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2 1 A Review

3  Adequate training does not happen without a lot of work  It requires significant planning  There are definite steps to follow  Often takes a lot of time  Costs a lot of resources 2

4  There are Differences: ◦ Education signifies learning and understanding of general subjects ◦ Training requires that students, recruits, etc., apply what they learned ◦ Education often only demands a score on a multiple choice exam ◦ Training proof means application of a physical or mental skill www.designtrainingprograms.com3

5  Before training, they do not know how to do the task or tasks  After training they demonstrate that they can do the task or tasks www.designtrainingprograms.com4

6  The students take a written test to prove what they learned  But it is not always so obvious what they accomplished  The written test represents only a sample of the field of study www.designtrainingprograms.com5

7  The instructors must prove the results of their training  The results are demonstrated by the students in an applications test  Ideally, this test is administered by an expert not Involved in the Instruction www.designtrainingprograms.com6

8  It is not a casual thing to develop training  All should be planned carefully  There are well defined steps to follow www.designtrainingprograms.com7

9  1. Analyze Job  2. Design Training  3. Develop Objectives  4. Write: ◦ Tests ◦ Lessons ◦ Application Exercises  5. Implement  6. Evaluate www.designtrainingprograms.com8

10  Investigate all the elements of a line of work or job being analyzed  Note all the job tasks done by the employees  The analyst will have in hand after analysis: ◦ A list of tasks ◦ Requirements of recruits to enter the line of work ◦ The tools and materials needed ◦ Conditions that affect the performance on the job (Task Performance Conditions) www.designtrainingprograms.com9

11  Read and study the job description  Follow the workers on the job as they perform their tasks  Interview the employees and supervisors  Send a questionnaire to employees and supervisors 10

12  The Analysts will have lists of: ◦ Tasks for the line of work being analyzed ◦ Necessary equipment ◦ Required tools ◦ Conditions critical to performing the tasks 11

13  A significant section of a job that has a definite beginning and ending  Represents job performance measure  Done for its own sake  Can be measured and assessed 12

14  Action – That which the employee must do  Conditions – That material or assistance which is required to complete the task and the environment under which the task is done  Standards – The level which the employee must reach to be considered successful 13

15  Group tasks by commonalities  Arrange the tasks into a hierarchy of importance and criticality  The program that follows will be based on the critical tasks selected for training www.designtrainingprograms.com14 Task

16  Use some combination of factors below: 1.Importance to overall job 2.Frequency of performance 3.Consequence of failure 4.Ease of learning task  Other factors can be used, but this complicates selection process  Recommend some combination of these four  First two as minimum 15

17  Convene a group of experts  Select tasks destined for formal training based on criticality  Assign tasks for On Job Training (OJT)  Select tasks for self training www.designtrainingprograms.com16

18  Requirements that the recruits should possess to enter training : ◦ Innate physical and mental attributes ◦ General levels of education needed for success in program  The place where the training will take place  Equipment, books, instructors etc.  Naturally, the cost www.designtrainingprograms.com17

19 Performance Basic Interim 18

20  The objectives are based on critical job performances  Reflect the job tasks  However, the objectives are directed at training  Some tasks will become objectives, others subordinate steps www.designtrainingprograms.com19

21  Search existing training for usable training material to avoid “reinventing the wheel”  Create course map ◦ Use hierarchy of learning ◦ Identify “capper” objectives that represent job performances ◦ Identify subordinate skills that students need first as building blocks 20

22  Should reflect the job objectives as closely as possible  There will be some modification of the job task statements for them to be accommodated in a training objective 21

23 Capper Objective Interim Sub Objective Interim Sub Objective 22 Capper Objective Interim Sub Objective Interim Sub Objective Break Capper Objectives Into Building Blocks of Basic Skills and Knowledge to Performance Level Objective.

24  The objective action statement should be the same as in the job task  The conditions should reflect the job conditions  Also, the standards should reflect job standards  All parts of the task need not be in exact accord with the job, but very close 23

25  As a police officer, use your service issued pistol to stop an attack and defend yourself, or innocent persons from death or serious harm by a suspect who demonstrates the means and intent to do serious bodily harm www.designtrainingprograms.com24

26  Given a firing range, full uniform gear, pistol and loaded magazines, draw and fire your service pistol on targets located at distances of 5, 15, and 25 feet scoring hits sufficient to achieve a minimum of 210 out of a possible 300 points within a time limit of 6 seconds for each target 25

27 Training Task: Given a firing range, full uniform gear, pistol and loaded magazines, draw and fire your service pistol on targets……… Pistol Operations Practice Pistol Safety Maintenance 26 Training Task: On laser range, shoot don’t shoot, 100% standard.. Legal Shoot Situations Legal Concepts Job Task: As a police officer, use your service issued pistol to stop an attack and defend yourself, or innocent persons from death or serious harm by a suspect who demonstrates the means and intent to do serious bodily harm ………………………

28  If the recruits can complete with success the training tasks, it is probable that they can complete the job task 27

29  The closer the training objectives align with the job tasks the greater fidelity instructional programs will have to field reality  The greater the fidelity the more effective the training  In the previous police task, complete training fidelity is impossible  Instructional designers should endeavor to match training closely to job reality 28

30  Lesson plans  Tests ◦ Written ◦ Application  Student Materials ◦ Program guides ◦ Program objectives ◦ Whatever other item needed to help the students 29

31  Introduction  Objectives and sub-objectives  Body of content  Instructor demonstration  Application  Test 30

32  It must be remembered that application is the key to whatever type of job training is provided 31

33  There are key steps 1.Test the instruction on a sample of students 2.Correct errors 3.Implement 4.Observe and gather feedback 32

34  Level 1: Reaction of the students  Level 2: Test results  Level 3: Opinions of the: Graduates assigned to the work place after graduation Supervisors of the graduates  Level 4: The increased production attributed to training www.designtrainingprograms.com33

35  First reaction by the students  This feedback is often of limited value because: Students are sometimes affected by trivial matters Students don’t understand enough to judge quality Cost a lot of work to gather data 34

36  Multiple choice exam  Application test under job conditions  Before using the tests: Have a sample of employees take exam Have experts review test items www.designtrainingprograms.com35

37  After the training has occurred  After the graduates have been on the job from 6-12 months  Determines if the training worked or not  Solicit the opinions of graduates and their supervisors  Solicit data and opinions via questionnaires and interviews 36

38  Identify the increase in production related to training  Should be a scientific study  The study should follow the rules of research: Use a sample of employees called a control group Use a sample of employees called experimental group  Statistically compare the results of the two groups www.designtrainingprograms.com37

39  Systematic methods  A way to focus on training the most important aspects of the job  Data gathered by evaluators act as a way to auto-correct the training program  Remember that training is based on job requirements and training application 38

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