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Understanding the EPC Rating rubrics
4/15/2017 The EPC Rating Rubrics Polk County Public Schools The purpose of this presentation is to fully understand all parts of the EPC Rating Rubrics used by evaluators to gather data when conducting classroom observations. These are the only rating rubrics that are to be used during the various evaluative observation processes. By definition a rubric is an explicit set of criteria for assessing a particular type of work or performance. As teachers you explain to students the criteria that you expect on an assignment when you use a rubric. As administrators, we believe that we also need to do the same for you, our teachers. Therefore, during this session we will review each domain and the observable EPCs for each domain. Understanding the EPC Rating rubrics
4/15/2017 EPC Rating Rubrics Classroom teachers are rated by an evaluator on 23 specific Essential Performance Criteria (EPCs) Clustered under four EPC Domains. 15 EPCs are Observable 8 EPCs are Non-Observable The EPCs focus on evidence-based teaching practices and are linked to the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) The evaluation system rubrics are founded in evidence-based teaching practices and the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices and are divided into 4 Domains, 15 observable EPCs, and 8 non-observable EPCs.
What will my administrator look for?
This is the question that we want to address now.
Let’s take a look at the 15 Observable EPCs!
4/15/2017 Let’s take a look at the 15 Observable EPCs! We are going to review the EPC Rating Rubrics for each of the 4 Domains with a focus on the rubrics for the 15 observable EPCs. For all four domains two important questions are: is this observable in your classroom (can an observer see that this is happening in your classroom). do your students know that this is happening (is it ongoing and do you use the vocabulary (i.e., data chats)
Domains and EPCs
Domain 1: EPC a. How will an observer know that I know my content?
4/15/2017 Domain 1: EPC a. How will an observer know that I know my content? How would I evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional strategy? How do students help demonstrate that my instructional strategy has been effective? EPC 1a is Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy. Here are three questions for thought regarding this EPC. Take a couple of minutes at your table to discuss what this looks like in order to be highly effective as opposed to being unsatisfactory, needing improvement/developing, or simply effective. (After a couple of minutes stop the table discussions and ask for volunteers to share what they discussed at their table.) Thank you for sharing. Let’s take a look at the rubric.
4/15/2017 EPC 1 and the rubric: 1a
4/15/2017 Domain 1: EPC b. Do I give my students a variety of ways to accomplish an assignment? Do I engage my students with discussion of data? Do my students know that I differentiate? How would I evaluate my abilities to differentiate and include data discussions in my classroom? We are still in Domain 1, but EPC 1b is Demonstrating knowledge of students. Here are four questions for thought regarding EPC 1b. Take just a minute to personally reflect on how you differentiate instruction and lead data chats with students. How would you answer those questions?
4/15/2017 EPC 1 and the rubric: 1b Point out important words for each rating, you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here.
Domain 1: EPC d. Is my use of technology purposeful to instruction?
4/15/2017 Domain 1: EPC d. Again, we are still in Domain 1, but EPC 1d is Demonstrating knowledge of resources and technology. Here are three questions for thought for EPC 1d, but let’s talk about technology as a whole group. You can start with the questions or just ask for reactions from the participants. When you feel there has been enough discussion, move to the next slide to the rubric. Is my use of technology purposeful to instruction? Do I assign students purposeful assignments using technology? Is the technology an enhancement to the lesson that could not be met without the technology?
4/15/2017 EPC 1 and the rubric: 1d Point out important words for each rating, you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED.
Domains and EPCs We are now looking at Domain 2: Instructional Delivery and Facilitation, with the greater number of observable EPCs. Understandably so because these demonstrate our use of the research-based instructional strategies that will assist us in attaining student growth. This is especially an area to shine in because this is the heart of what we do in the classroom. We are going to look at each of these individually on the next slides.
4/15/2017 Domain 2: EPC a Do I consistently refer my students to the Lesson Essential Question throughout the lesson? How do I check for student understanding of my instruction throughout each lesson? Are my students connecting their learning to what they already know and to real-life applications? What can I do to convey high expectations throughout my instruction? How would I evaluate each of these myself? In Domain 2, EPC a is “Communicating with students.” Here are 5 questions for thought regarding EPC 2 a. Everyone stand up. Look around the room for someone who either: teaches a very different grade level or subject has a great deal more experience than you has a great deal less experience than you Pair up and discuss the answers to these questions and/or how do you accomplish this so that it is OBSERVABLE in your classroom. When you bring everyone back together, discuss that the point of this exercise was that it does not matter how much experience you have or do not have or what grade level you teach or what subject you teach, these EPCs must be an ongoing, observable, students aware, unforgettable, routine part of your teaching. They must become second nature as important as breathing. If you make them a consistent part of your lessons, they will become good habits that you will easily remember and your students will also. Let’s look at the rubric on the next slide.
EPC 2 and the rubric: 2a You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating, or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED.
4/15/2017 Domain 2: EPC b Do I prepare HIGHER ORDER THINKING questions that will prompt my students to think at a higher level? How do I use scaffolding to ensure that all students have the knowledge necessary before I move on? Am I using sufficient wait time to give students time to think through my questions? Have I prepared an engaging and challenging lesson that promotes active involvement with the content and strategies? How do I evaluate my communication with students? This is also Domain 2, EPC 2b: Using strategies to evoke HOT discussions. Have a general discussion about why this is so important (Webb’s DOK, FCAT, STEM, classroom discussion, classroom writing assignments, etc.). Ask why HOT questions need to be thought about during planning? Ask for a definition of scaffolding and/or an example of using it in the classroom. Ask why “wait time” is important? Ask why student engagement is important and/or an example of ways to keep students engaged. Look at the rubric on the next slide.
EPC 2 and the rubric: 2b You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED.
4/15/2017 Domain 2: EPC c Have I planned instruction to meet all students needs but also in an engaging manner? How effective are my collaboration activities? Do I provide adequately for distributive practice and summarizing? Are my lessons paced well with ample opportunities for students to process learning and account for their learning? We are still in Domain 2, EPC 2c: Lesson delivery and engaging students in learning. Here are four questions for thought. Look at the rubric on the next slide.
EPC 2 and the rubric: 2c You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
4/15/2017 Domain 2: EPC d Again, we are still in Domain 2, EPC 2d: Using assessment in instruction. Here are three questions for thought for EPC 2d. Let’s look at the rubric for EPC 2d. Do I check understanding by varying my questions to assess what my students have learned? Is my feedback relevant and helpful to my students understanding? Have I consistently used assessment prompts in my lessons?
EPC 2 and the rubric: 2d You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
4/15/2017 Domain 2: EPC e In Domain 2 we also have EPC 2e: Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness. Let’s look at the rubric for EPC 2e. Am I using a variety of instructional strategies to meet the needs of my students? Do I demonstrate flexibility in response to my students learning?
EPC 2 and the rubric: 2e You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
4/15/2017 Domain 2: EPC f The last EPC in Domain 2 is EPC 2f: Integrating content reading and writing instruction. Here is one question for thought for EPC 2f. On one sheet of blank paper for your table to work on as a group, fold the paper in half for two columns. Label the first column: Alike. Label the second column: Different. The first person writes something about Domain 2’s EPCs that is either alike or different (you can choose all or be specific, such as “EPC 2a and EPC 2b are alike because….”), the second person does the same, the third and so forth and then go around again if there is time before I stop you. Ask for sharing. Let’s look at the rubrics for EPC 2f. Do I use content area reading strategies that culminate with writing?
EPC 2 and the rubric: 2f You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
Domains and EPCs Domain 3 is in regard to “The Learning Environment.” It is also contains a larger number of observable EPCs. This is another area to shine in because you are continually, from the first day of school, building this in your classroom. There are 5 EPCs and we will look at each individually.
4/15/2017 Domain 3: EPC a Are my actions a positive role model for my students at all times? Do I develop mutual respect from students for adults? Do I foster mutual respect between students? Am I consistently respectful of students and open to discussion and feedback during my lessons? Domain 3, EPC 3a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport. Here are four questions for thought for EPC 3a. Just take a moment to reflect on the questions silently. Does anyone want to share a reaction or comment on this EPC? Let’s look at the rubric.
EPC 3 and the rubric: 3a You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
4/15/2017 Domain 3: EPC b Do I consistently respond to students in a positive manner and encourage student participation in learning? Are my responses to students productive and helpful to student learning? How do I convey high expectations to students in my lessons? Is my feedback often and specific to students throughout my lessons? Domain 3, EPC 3 b: Establishing a culture for learning. Here are four questions for thought for EPC 3 b. Take one minute to read those questions and reflect. We will do an activity when we have looked at all of this domain. Let’s look at the rubric for EPC 3b.
EPC 3 and the rubric: 3b You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
4/15/2017 Domain 3: EPC c Are my rules and procedures consistently followed to ensure that everyone is aware of processes and expected behavior? Have I developed routines and transitions in my classroom that are advantageous to my instruction and student learning? Domain 3, EPC 3c: Managing classroom procedures Here are two questions for thought for EPC 3 c. Take one minute at your table to share a classroom procedure that you use that you think is very productive towards classroom management. Let’s look at the rubric.
Epc 3 and the rubric: 3c You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
4/15/2017 Domain 3: EPC d Domain 3, EPC 3 d: Managing student behavior. Here are 2 questions for thought for EPC 3d. Discuss with a partner at your table the likes and differences between managing classroom procedures and managing student behavior. Ask for volunteers to share. Let’s look at the rubric for EPC 3 d. How will observers know that I have set standards for behavior? Are my responses to misbehavior promoting timely and appropriate response from students?
EPC 3 and the rubric: 3d You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
4/15/2017 Domain 3: EPC e Domain 3, EPC 3 e: Organizing physical space. Here is one question for thought for EPC 3e. Let’s look at the rubric for EPC 3 e. Have I used all of the space in my classroom in a safe and orderly manner that allows for maximum use of space for student learning?
EPC 3 and the rubric: 3e You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
Domains and EPCs Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities and Ethical Conduct. There is one EPC for Domain 4: EPC 4 a. We will review it on our next slide.
4/15/2017 Domain 4: EPC a Am I a role model of fairness and acceptance of all my students? Do I provide an opportunity for all students in my classroom to learn? Domain 4, EPC 4 a: Attention to equity and diversity. Here are two questions for thought for EPC 4 a. Take one minute to reflect on the questions and then discuss why this is so important in our district with your table mates. Ask for volunteers to share. Let’s look at the rubric for EPC 4 a.
EPC 4 and the rubric: 4a You may want to show the rubric criteria commenting that the participants are probably seeing that the rubric gives them details regarding what each of the criteria looks like. Or you may want to continue to point out important words for each rating or you may want to ask the teachers what words, other than the highlighted words, really seem very important here. Perhaps a reminder about the necessity for this to be OBSERVED. Ask for questions or comments.
Do you have any questions about the EPC Rating Rubrics or what evaluators will be looking for when observing in your classroom?
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