Quality Bucks Inter-Collegiate Quality Assurance in Online Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Bucks Inter-Collegiate Quality Assurance in Online Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Matters @ Bucks Inter-Collegiate Quality Assurance in Online Learning

2 Today’s Session… What is QM? Why QM @ Bucks? Introduction and use of QM Rubric QM Process and Principles Participation in Quality Matters

3 Quality Matters is... a continuous improvement model for assuring the quality of online courses through a faculty review process. Quality Matters is... a continuous improvement model for assuring the quality of online courses through a faculty review process. ~ Fact Sheet ~ Overview

4 QM Foundations Based in national standards of best practice, the research literature, and instructional design principles Designed to promote student learning Integral to continuous quality improvement Part of an inter-institutional, faculty- driven, collegial peer review process

5 For Our Purposes, Quality Is… More than average; more than “good enough” An attempt to capture what’s expected in an effective online course at about an 85% level Based on research and widely accepted standards 85 %

6 Why QM @ Bucks? Accreditation Internal Assessments Faculty/Student Feedback WebCT 6

7 What’s in it for Faculty … Fresh eyes leads to course improvement Quality assurance Validates best practices in online learning Reduces redundant procedural questions More time on teaching Expands professional community Recognition by BCCC community

8 What’s in it for Students … Cleaner navigation & accessibility Faster start: reduced frustration Stronger engagement Course baseline standards Learning objectives & outcomes aligned Quality online learning experience Success!!

9 What’s in it for Institutions … Gain access to a sustainable, replicable, scalable QA process Strengthens institution’s accreditation package Positively impact articulation agreements Provide professional development activities Improve student retention

10 The Tools QM Rubric

11 The Rubric Eight standards: –Course Overview and Introduction –Learning Objectives –Assessment and Measurement –Resources and Materials –Learner Interaction –Course Technology –Learner Support –Accessibility Key components must align.

12 QM Rubric Features Online Demo Rubric Annotations Our Examples Exemplary Course (?) www.esac.org/fdi/rubric/finalsurvey/demorubric.asp

13 Peer Review Process Sometimes teaching an online course can feel isolating. How do we know if our course is effective? How do we make changes to our course to make it even better for our students? Sometimes we just need a fresh pair of eyes.

14 Peer Course Review Feedback Course Course Meets Quality Expectations Course Revision Instructional Designers Institutions Faculty Course Developers National Standards & Research Literature Rubric Faculty Reviewers Training Quality Matters: Course Peer Review Process

15 Rubric Scoring StandardsPointsRelative Value 143Essential 122Very Important 141Important TOTALS 4080 Team of three (3) reviewers One score per standard based on majority Assigned point value; not sliding scale

16 To Meet Expectations… A course must: Rate “Yes” on all 14 of the 3-point “essential” standards. Earn minimum 68 out of 80 points 68/80 = 85%

17 The QM process is… Not about an individual instructor –It’s about the course Not about faculty evaluation –It’s about course quality Not about “winners” and “losers” –It’s about continuous improvement in a supportive environment

18 Remember... Continuous quality improvement is our goal. This is a learning process for us all. We’re “constructing” and helping to determine what “quality matters.”

19 For more information: Visit the website: www.QualityMatters.org Or contact: Mary Ellen Bornak (bornakm@bucks.edu)bornakm@bucks.edu Georglyn Davidson (davidson@bucks.edu)davidson@bucks.edu Michael Hennessey (hennesse@bucks.edu)hennesse@bucks.edu Sachi Horback (horbacks@bucks.edu)horbacks@bucks.edu

20 Thanks to YOU… Quality Matters …pass it on!

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