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MTA Installation Progress Report June 8, 2007 MTA Installation Web Page F.G. Garcia AD/Proton.

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Presentation on theme: "MTA Installation Progress Report June 8, 2007 MTA Installation Web Page F.G. Garcia AD/Proton."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTA Installation Progress Report June 8, 2007 MTA Installation Web Page F.G. Garcia AD/Proton Source Department

2 06/08/07F.G. Garcia2 MTA Quizz WWhat does MuCool stand for? Muon Cooling Experiment WWhat does MTA stand for? MuCool Test Area IIs this part of the Proton Source? No! This line belongs to External Beams Division SSo… Why do I care?? 1.Because they will extract beam from Linac MMore precisely, around the Chopper region 2.Because this line will provide us capability to measure Linac emittance 3.Because I am the Project Manager and… today is my birthday…

3 06/08/07F.G. Garcia3 MTA Beam line  The beam line will be used to test liquid hydrogen absorbers for  beam cooling Desirable beam requirements  H - at 400 MeV  50 mA peak current & 50 sec pulse length @ 15 Hz (~1.6E13ppp) Big problem with shielding!!!  Other experiments can use a more modest integrated intensity and rep rate Tests of pressurized RF cavities Irradiation of detector components etc…

4 06/08/07F.G. Garcia4 MTA Beam line Layout pulsed magnets Cooling ring dipole Quadrupoles Shielding wall (12ft long) MTA Exp. Hall

5 06/08/07F.G. Garcia5 MTA Beam Line – Diagnostic Optical Functions Beta Functions 0 25 50 140 0 Experiment hall 40 20 0 25 50 ~10m magnet free straight section for transverse emittance measurement Beam size changes by an order the magnitude

6 06/08/07F.G. Garcia6 MTA Beam line Installation  Goal Install the MTA beam line components, or as much as possible, during this shutdown.  Start from scratch…or almost from scratch Build stands Refurbish magnets Utilities installation  Expand electrical distribution for MTA  Install cable trays  Install LCW system for cooling requirements Install instrumentation, magnets, beam valves, beam stops, vacuum, controls, etc…

7 06/08/07F.G. Garcia7 Organization Chart

8 06/08/07F.G. Garcia8 MTA - Progress Report  Real Estate established at the South end of the Linac Gallery (thanks Linac group!) Total of 8 relay racks  3 for power supplies  5 for electronics and controls  Magnets Current at IB2 for refurbishment/measurements  6 (5+1) CRD  12(8+4) 200 MeV (TQTB)  5 (4+1) SQA There are 2 new “C”-magnets been built  These magnets will be responsible for beam extraction from Linac to MuCool enclosure  Estimate time for delivery: middle August 6 CDA (5 install+1 spare) CDR in storage (02/22) Coil refurbished (04/24) Alignment nests (05/03) Current Status - Coil refurbishement complete -Power flag relocation ongoing -Water connections ongoing 10 TQTBs (install 8 + 2 spares) (also known as 200MeV Quads, Green Quads, 400MeV Quads…) Reference the magnets complete Hydraulic test passed with flying colors… Current Status - Remnant field measurement complete - Upgrade the electrical box mostly complete - Beam pipes at desired length installed - Reference is complete Future Plans: - Ship to MAB to dry fit the stands and final storage 5 SQA Magnets (install 4 + 1 spares) SQA staged at X gallery waiting to be shipped to IB2 (05/11) Current Status: - 4 magnets staged at IB2 - Need to retrieve one more SQA from Booster tunnel - Working on stand design ToDoList 1.Flush out the magnet 2.Hipot 3.Replace the water tubings with kynar 4.Weld alignment fiducials

9 06/08/07F.G. Garcia9 MTA - Progress Report  Alignment Network setup  Both enclosures have the network done Tiroids and monuments have been installed on the walls and floor respectively  At MTA Exp. Hall enclosure the local coordinate system has been established Awaiting for an opportunity to complete this job in Linac  The completion of this task prior the shutdown would gain valuable time during the installation  Power Supplies AD/EE group will support the power supplies  Quadrupoles (B. Brooker) 200 MeV Bartleson supplies SQAs Lambda  Cooling Ring Dipoles (B. Brooker) String of 4 PEI (Linac Lower Level) Single Power Ten (from 400MeV upgrade)  “C” magnet (M. Kuffer) New power supply being built  Trims (B. Brooker) Inherit from Booster after the shutdown

10 06/08/07F.G. Garcia10 MTA - Progress Report  Instrumentations/Diagnostics BPM System  Use 10 Booster style pickups  Readout electronics will be similar to the pbar target bpms. Toroid System  There will be 3 toroids installed The beam line only needs 2 toroids. One right at the extraction from Linac and the other at the very end. The 3 rd toroid will be installed adjacent to the most DW one for instrumentation/interlock group e-berm development platform  Booster has two (2) 3.25in Pearson toroids. The other one will be supplied by instrumentation group. MWs  Requirements: 7 MWs with different wire spacing  Booster has enough MW cans that will be re-used  MW electronics will be similar to KTeV system. BLMs  There will be 12 BLMs along the line.  Electronics will be provided by M. Olson.  Controls (M. Kucera) M. Kucera and R. Godwin are helping integrate MTA to the Linac Control System.

11 06/08/07F.G. Garcia11 MTA - Progress Report  Vacuum System Vacuum Components - 3 Ion pumps (600l/s) - 2 roughing valves - 2 Pirani gauge - 2 ion gauge - 2 beam valves Courtesy: T. Anderson

12 06/08/07F.G. Garcia12 MTA Installation - Current Issues  Shielding under the hatchway area The existing shielding underneath the hatch is not sufficient to run beam to the MTA enclosure 26’-0” 13’-6” concrete soil concrete air soil 21’-0” 10’-6” It has been installed primary to protect personnel inside the MTA enclosure from Linac beam

13 06/08/07F.G. Garcia13 MTA Installation – Current Issues (cont.)  Hey! Wait…there is more… Problem: 805 MHz waveguide, 201MHz Coax and cable tray run inside the hatch!!

14 06/08/07F.G. Garcia14 MTA Installation – Current Issues (cont.)  Head of External Beam line decided to remove the shielding blocks underneath the hatch and re-stack appropriately Work group meets weekly with safety to resolve this problem.  More manpower has been added to the group in order to re- design the shielding configuration  It must accommodate a beam stop upstream the shielding wall  It looks like one may be able to leave the WG, Coax and cable tray as is and work around it (?) Still need to be resolved and decided  MTA wants to run during the shutdown…  You may be wondering…if the shielding will be removed, what about NTF? Good question :  NTF will be able to run with the hatch shielding removed and the subsequent RF stations locked off.  However, the hatch must be installed and locked, and MuCOOL would need to be interlocked to Linac.

15 06/08/07F.G. Garcia15 MTA Installation – Current Issues (cont.)  If the shielding blocks are removed… The beam line installation will take advantage of this.  Major components will be lower to the enclosure thru the hatch area The original plan was to use the infrastructure available at north end of Linac  Up to 25% reduction in installation time one could expect If the network and the stake survey in Linac enclosure are accomplished prior the shutdown, another 3 days can easily be saved during the shutdown…

16 06/08/07F.G. Garcia16  Bottom line The project is facing some challenges  We have a plan to manage these problems in order to minimize the risk of project delay Working on a strategy to address the problem Patience and perseverance are the key at this point I have no doubt we will resolve the issues and complete the installation within the shutdown timeframe! MTA Installation – Current Issues (cont.)

17 06/08/07F.G. Garcia17 FIM

18 06/08/07F.G. Garcia18 Extract Beam to MTA line LinacMaxNominal Beam current (mA) 5035 Macro pulse width (sec) 5025 Repetition Rate (Hz) 157.5 Beam intensity (protons/pulse) 1.6E165.5E12 The simplest way of doing it is to use a Linac beam study pulse. At a glance: - Currently Linac uses 3 dedicated chop lengths as inputs to the pulse shifter (HEP,NTF & studies). - T-clock event triggers request for beam, in this case, studies pulse ($OA). - The frequency of the beam can be adjusted by the rep rate generator.

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