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The Mission of Saint Andrew and Saint Phillip Theology II Mr. Perrotti Chapter 3 –Part 4.

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1 The Mission of Saint Andrew and Saint Phillip Theology II Mr. Perrotti Chapter 3 –Part 4

2 The First Apostle Called by Christ! A follower of John the Baptist, he and his friend Phillip were the first two Apostles. He was the younger brother of Peter, who he introduced to Christ. He follows the mission of Christ by spreading the word in Greece, Scotland and Russia. His feast day is November 30.

3 His Life Andrew, like his brother Simon Peter, was a fisherman. He became a disciple of the great St. John the Baptist, but when John pointed to Jesus and said, "Behold the Lamb of God!" Andrew understood that Jesus was greater. Andrew brought his brother Simon (St. Peter) to Jesus and Jesus received him, too, as His disciple. Both Brothers had families, but their desire to follow Jesus was to strong. They continued to be fisherman, but Christ promised to make the Fishers of Men

4 His Life –Founder of the Eastern Churches Both Peter and Andrew where present at the wedding of Cana, and that miracle convinced them both to follow Jesus full-time. Andrew was believed to have found the boy with the five fishes and 2 loaves of bread which became the feeding of the multitude. Missionary in Asia Minor and Greece, and possibly areas in modern Russia and Poland. Martyred on an saltire (x-shaped) cross, he is said to have preached for two days from it. It is said that he preached from that Cross for two days, as he like his brother did not want to die life Jesus.

5 Saltire Cross

6 Saint to the unmarried! Tradition says that Saint Andrew a great family man intercedes for those who are looking for someone to marry. An old German tradition says that single women who wish to marry should ask for Saint Andrew’s help on the eve of his feast, that night they would dream of their husband. Another says that young women should note the location of barking dogs on Saint Andrew’s Eve: their future husbands will come from that direction. On the day after Andrew’s feast, young people float cups in a tub; if a boy‘s and a girl‘s cup drift together and are intercepted by a cup inscribed “priest”, it indicates marriage

7 Patron Saint Saint Andrew is the Patron Saint for over a hundred countries and professions from Russia and Scotland to butchers and old maids. He founded The Eastern Orthodox Churches in Constantinople, Greece and abroad. His Feast Day is November 30 In the traditional liturgical books of the Catholic Church, the feast of St. Andrew is the first feast day in the Proper of Saints. Constantine who converted Rome had a particular love for Saint Andrew

8 Relics of Saint Andrew In 345, Emperor Constantine the Great decided to translate Andrew’s bones from Patras, Greece to Constantinople. Saint Regulus of Scotland was instructed by an angel to take many of these relics to the far northwest. He was eventually told to stop on the small coast of Scotland, where he founded the settlement of Saint Andrew. It is also believed that hundreds of years later Saint Andrews head was placed in one of the four pillars of Saint Peter Basilica in the Vatican

9 Orthodox Church The Church of the Apostles, founded on the first Pentecost in 33 AD. The Early Christian Church was called Orthodox until 1054 when The Pope of Rome, Pope Leo IX split and formed the Roman Catholic Church. In a letter to the Patriarch of Constantinople (Bishop) brought about the Great Schism (Split) between the Catholic and Orthodox churches. In brief, Pope Leo IX sited that the Pope is the only person who has the direct succession of Peter. Michael Cærularius, the head of the Orthodox Church denied the what is called the “Papal Primacy” and the split occurred. Before his death Pope IX tried negotiate with the Patriarch without success.

10 Roman Catholic Verses Eastern Orthodox This is a very extensive topic and will be covered later in the year, so before you start asking a million questions, we will cover in detail in a later Chapter. We believe in same God and Jesus as our Messiah. The core of our beliefs are the same, especially the sacraments and Eucharist. Our disagreements stems from what is called the Curia (Admin or Hierarchy) and Papal Primacy of the Church.

11 Philip the Apostle Known as Philip the Curios – Wasn’t called first but was first to say Yes to Jesus. Follower of John the Baptist, friend of Andrew Convinced Bartholomew to follow Jesus Like Peter and Andrew, Philip was from Bethsaida Not to be confused with the evangelist Philip in Acts of the Apostles Philip is always listed fifth among the apostles

12 Jesus Tested Philip Before the miraculous feeding of the multitude, Jesus tested Philip by asking, “Where will we buy bread for these people to eat?” Philip failed the test by replying, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!" Philip failed the test!

13 Philip Fails again Later shortly before Jesus is arrested he tells his disciples that – “If you really knew me you would know my Father as well. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” – But Philip's response again shows a lack of faith when he asks “Lord show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus sternly rebukes him and says “Philip, don’t you know me, even after I have been with you for such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”

14 Ministry of Philip Born a Jew with a Greek name. It is believed that after the ascension of Christ Jesus, Philip traveled into Scythia (south Russia) and remained there for twenty years preaching the Gospel Eventually, in the company of the apostle Bartholomew, the apostle Philip went to Asia Minor and labored in Hierapolis, near Laodicea and Colosse, in what is modern day Turkey.

15 Ministry of Philip There is a belief that the apostle Philip, also, ministered to the Gaul's in France He is the only Apostle whom Church tradition associates with France, however. He had two daughters who traveled with him who never married and were buried next to him.

16 Philip dies a Martyr Philip and Bartholomew were crucified upside-down, and Philip preached from his cross. As a result of Philip's preaching the crowd released Bartholomew from his cross, – but Philip insisted that they not release him, and Philip died on the cross. – It is believed that he died a very old man!

17 Philip – Come follow Me Although showing signs of unfaithfulness during the tests of Christ, Philip was the first to say “Yes” It was his “need to know” curiousness that allowed him to follow Christ so quickly. His power of conviction which enticed his friend Bartholomew to follow Jesus, also. They remained best of friends until Philip’s death on the cross. Bartholomew continued his work.

18 How will you answer? Philip and Andrew were not the most read about Apostles in the Bible, but both did a great deal to spread the Word of Christ “to the four corners of the World” Andrew was the first to meet Christ and follow, but Philip was the first to say yes to his request “Come and Follow Me” How would we answer –”As He Calls all by name.”

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