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Chapter 20 Section 1.  5/1939, GB PM Churchill began asking FDR to transfer old U.S. destroyers to GB  GB needed more to protect its cargo ships from.

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1 Chapter 20 Section 1

2  5/1939, GB PM Churchill began asking FDR to transfer old U.S. destroyers to GB  GB needed more to protect its cargo ships from German submarines & to block any German attempt to invade GB  In exchange for the right to build U.S. bases on British-controlled Newfoundland, Bermuda, and islands in the Caribbean, FDR sent 50 old U.S. destroyers to GB

3  After WWI, the French had built a line of concrete bunkers and fortifications called the Maginot Line along the German border  Rather than risk their troops by attacking, the French preferred to wait behind the Maginot Line for the Germans  Hitler planned to go around the Maginot Line, which protected France’s border w/ Germany but not France’s border w/ Belgium & Luxembourg  the Germans invaded the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg first before going around the Line  5/10, Hitler launched a new blitzkrieg in the west  While German troops parachuted into the Netherlands, an army of tanks rolled into Belgium & Luxembourg


5  GB & French forces raced north into Belgium, this was a mistake  Instead of sending their tanks through the open countryside of central Belgium, the Germans sent their main force through the Ardennes Mountains of Luxembourg & E’rn Belgium  The Germans easily smashed through French lines, then raced west across N’rn France to the English Channel  GB & French armies were still in Belgium & could not move back into France quickly enough, they were now trapped in Belgium

6  After trapping the Allied forces in Belgium, the Germans began to drive them toward the English Channel  The only hope for GB & France was to evacuate their surviving troops by sea, but the Germans had captured all but one port, Dunkirk, a small town in N’rn France near the Belgian border  As German forces closed in on Dunkirk, Hitler suddenly ordered them to stop  No one is sure why he gave this order  Hitler’s order provided a 3 day delay; gave GB time to strengthen their lines and begin the evacuation  Some 850 ships of all sizes, headed to Dunkirk from England  6/4, when the evacuation ended, an estimated 338,000 GB & French troops had been saved  Almost all of GB army’s equipment remained at Dunkirk (90,000 rifles, 7,000 tons of ammunition, and 120,000 vehicles)


8  6/22/1940, Hitler accepted the French surrender in the same railway car in which the Germans had surrendered at the end of WWI  Germany now occupied much of N’rn France and its Atlantic coastline  To govern the rest of the country, Germany installed a puppet government at the town of Vichy and made Marshal Philippe Petain the new government’s figurehead leader

9  Neither Petain nor Hitler anticipated the bravery of the British people or the spirit of their leader, Winston Churchill, who had replaced Neville Chamberlain as prime minister  Hitler fully expected the British to negotiate peace after France surrendered. For Winston Churchill peace was not an option  When Hitler realized that Britain would not surrender, he ordered his commanders to prepare to invade

10  6/1940, the German air force, called the Luftwaffe, began to attack British shipping in the English Channel  in mid-August, the Luftwaffe launched an all-out air battle to destroy the British Royal Air Force (RAF)  This air battle, lasted into the fall of 1940  8/23, German bombers accidentally bombed London, the British capitol. This attack on civilians enraged the British, who responded by bombing Berlin the following night  For the first time in the war, bombs fell on the German capital  Infuriated, Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to stop its attacks on British military targets and to concentrate on bombing London  Hitler’s goal now was to terrorize the British people into surrendering  The British people endured hiding out in the city’s subway tunnels whenever German bombers appeared

11  the RAF was greatly outnumbered, the British had one major advantage; the development of radar  Using radar stations placed along their coast, the British were able to detect incoming German aircraft and direct British fighters to intercept them  Day after day, the British fighter inflicted more losses on the Germans than they suffered  The skill of a few hundred pilots saved Britain from invasion  10/12/1940, Hitler cancelled the invasion of Britain

12  9/1941, German U-boat fired on the U.S. destroyer Greer, which had been radioing the U-boat’s position to the British  FDR promptly responded by ordering U.S. ships to follow a “shoot-on-sight” policy toward German U- boats  The Germans escalated hostilities the following month, targeting two American destroyers  One of them, the Reuben James, broke in two after being torpedoed  It sank into the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, where 115 sailors died  end of 1941, Germany & the U.S. continued a tense standoff in the North Atlantic

13  After calling off the invasion of Britain, Hitler returned to his original goal of carving out lebensraum for Germany in E’rn Europe  6/1941, in violation of the Nazi-Soviet pact, Hitler launched a massive invasion of the USSR  Although Churchill detested communism & considered Stalin a harsh dictator, he vowed that any person or state “who fights against Nazism will have our aid”  FDR supported this policy

14  Once the U.S. entered the war, Joseph Stalin - the leader of the Soviet Union; urged FDR to open a second front in Europe  If GB & U.S. troops opened a 2nd front by attacking Germany from the west, it would take pressure off the USSR  Churchill did not believe the U.S. & GB were ready to launch a full-scale invasion of Europe  Instead Churchill wanted to attack edges of the German empire, FDR agreed  7/1942, FDR & Churchill ordered the invasion of Morocco & Algeria (two French territories indirectly under German control)

15  Hitler was convinced that the only way to defeat the USSR was to destroy its economy  5/1942, he ordered his army to capture strategic oil fields, industries, and farmlands in S’rn Russia & Ukraine. The key to the attack was the city of Stalingrad  The city controlled the Volga River and was a major railroad junction  If the German army captured Stalingrad, the Soviets would be cut off from the resources they needed to stay in the war

16  9/1942, German troops entered Stalingrad, Stalin ordered his troops to hold the city at all cost; retreat was forbidden  The Germans were forced to fight from house to house, losing thousands of soldiers in the process  11/23, Soviet reinforcements arrived & surrounded Stalingrad, trapping almost 250,000 German troops  When the battle ended,91,000 Germans had surrendered, although only 5,000 of them survived the Soviet prison camps & returned home after the war  The Battle of Stalingrad was a major turning point in the war & put the Germans on the defensive


18  After Germany declared war on the U.S., German submarines entered U.S. coastal waters  They found U.S. ships to be easy targets, especially at night when the glow from the cities in the night sky silhouetted the vessels  To protect the ships, cities on the East Coast dimmed their lights every evening  8/1942, German submarines had sunk about 360 American ships along the U.S. coast  U.S. airplanes & warships began to use new technology, including radar, sonar, and depth charges, to locate and attack submarines

19  FDR decided to invade Morocco & Algeria for two reasons: 1. the invasion would give the army some experience w/o requiring a lot of troops 2. once U.S. troops were in North Africa, they would be able to help GB troops fighting the Germans in Egypt  Most of GB’s empire, including India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaya & Australia, used the Suez Canal to send supplies to GB  The German forces in the area, known as the “Afrika Korps,” were commanded by Gen. Erwin Rommel (a brilliant leader whose success earned him the nickname “Desert Fox”).

20  The British forced Rommel to retreat at the battle of El Alamein, but his forces remained a serious threat  11/8/1942, U.S. invasion of North Africa began under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower  The U.S. forces in Morocco, led by General George Patton, quickly captured the city of Casablanca, while those in Algeria seized the cities of Oran and Algiers  Next the American headed west into Libya, where they planned to trap Rommel between the two Allied forces

21  When the U.S. troops advanced into the mountains of W’rn Tunisia, they had to fight the German army for the 1 st time, they didn’t do well  At the Battle of Kasserine Pass, the Americans were outmaneuvered & outfought  They suffered roughly 7,000 casualties and lost nearly 200 tanks  Eisenhower fired the general who led the attack & put Patton in command  The U.S. & GB forces finally pushed the Germans back  5/13/1943, the last German forces in North Africa surrendered

22  FDR & Churchill agreed to step up the bombing of Germany  1/1943 to 5/1945, the RAF & the U.S. Army Air Force dropped 53,000 tons of explosives on Germany every month causing a severe oil shortage & wrecked the railroad system  It also destroyed so many aircraft factories that Germany’s air force could not replace its combat losses  Churchill called Italy the “soft underbelly” of Europe and was convinced that the Italians would quit the war if the Allies invaded their homeland

23  Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower (IKE) commanded the invasion  Gen. Patton & GB Gen. Bernard Montgomery were put in charge of the actual forces on the ground  7/10/1943, The invasion began  8 days after the troops came ashore, U.S. tanks led by Patton smashed through enemy lines & captured the W’rn ½ of the island  Patton’s troops headed east, staging a series of daring end-runs around the German positions, while the British, under Montgomery, attacked from the south  8/18, the Germans evacuated the island

24  Italian king placed Mussolini under arrest  new Italian gov’t began secretly negotiating with the Allies for Italy’s surrender  9/8/1943, the Italian gov’t publicly announced Italy’s surrender  The following day, American troops landed at Salerno  Although stunned by the surrender, Hitler was not about to lose Italy to the Allies  German troops seized control of N’rn Italy, including Rome, attacked the Americans at Salerno, and put Mussolini back in power


26  To stop the Allied advance, the German army went to the town of Cassino  the Allies chose to land at Anzio, behind German lines, they hoped the Germans would retreat; Germans surrounded the Allied troops near Anzio  It took the Allies 5 months to break through the German lines at Cassino & Anzio  5/1944, the Germans were forced to retreat & the Allies captured Rome  the Allies had more than 300,000 casualties

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