OEE OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS. Training agenda 1. Why we observe OEE ? 2. Definition 3. Finish.

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2 Training agenda 1. Why we observe OEE ? 2. Definition 3. Finish

3 1. Why we observe OEE ? Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) Definition of Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE is an indicator of how a machine, production line or a process are performing in terms of Availability, Performance (Speed) and Quality. OEE 指的是生产过程中, 机器, 生产线或者 一个流程的生产能力的效率和质量的具体体现.

4 How actually can look 8 hour on the machine ? Loss from start machine Adjust machine Personel fault Planned downtime Product changeover Failure machine Cycle optimatization Production 开机损失 更换定单 机器调整机器故障 个人失误周期优化

5 Planned production time Gross operating time Net operating time Valuable operating time Planned down-time Unplenned down-time losses Speed losses Quality losses Availability (A) Performance (P) Quality (Q) Defects in process Idling & Minor Stoppages Reduced speed Equipment failure Set up & Adjustment Theoretical production time, 365 days, 24 hours = XX OEE Planning factor (Pf) = X OEE Availability (A) Performance (P) Quality (Q) T OEE Planning factor (Pf) Six big losses Start up losses Total Productivity 理论年度, 每天生产时间

6 1. Why we observe OEE ? Key requirement for stabilization and betterment OEE are : 关键设备的稳定性和 OEE 改进  Strong maintenance 加强维护保养  Good molds (tools) and trim tools 良好模具和相关工 具  Stable and Manage proceses 过程稳定和可控性  Strong process TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)  加强全过程的生产保养  Quickly change molds processes 快速的模具更换流程  Professionally schooled worker oriented on the work in team 专业的职工队伍

7 1. Why we observe OEE ? OEE is tool for measuring most important managerial parameters and give answer of most main question give information about weak spots in production process support expansion of production (stability production process) help to see production process in detail make possible benchmark with others companies in branch OEE helps predictability in production

8 Planned production time Gross operating time Net operating time Valuable operating time Planned down-time Unplenned down-time losses Speed losses Quality losses Availability (A) Performance (P) Quality (Q) Defects in process Idling & Minor Stoppages Reduced speed Equipment failure Set up & Adjustment Theoretical production time, 365 days, 24 hours = XX OEE Planning factor (Pf) Availability (A) Performance (P) Quality (Q) Six big losses Start up losses 2. Definition OEE OEE T OEE

9 2. Definition Planned downtime 计划停机时间 : - dowtime approved management companies as planned down-time - we could also say : planned down-time which production teams aren´t influence - examples : Sampling, Mold cleaning, Machine cleaning, power cutting, planned maintenance, planned maintenance periphery, NO production order OEE T OEE Planned production time Planned down-time Planning factor (Pf) Total Productivity

10 2. Definition (A) Availability factor is calculated on the basis of the Planned production time and Unplanned dowtime losses, and is the ratio of the planned production time to the gross operating time. Availability factor most influence : - failures (maintenance and process) and machine defects (maintenance), edfects equipments, operator errors, tool changes, unplanned cleaning, time for adjustment machines / tools / equipments, communications,..... * for the easy analysis dowtime we have cods OEE Gross operating time Unplenned down-time losses Equipment failure Set up & Adjustment Availability Six big losses

11 2. Definition OEE Performance factor is calculated on the basis of the Gross operating time and the Performance (speed) losses = difference between norm and really cycle time Performance factor most influence : - performance reduction (P) Performance Net operating time Speed losses Idling & Minor Stoppages Reduced speed Six big losses

12 2.Definition (Q) OEE Quality factor we here mean the product quality which influences the production yield. Quality factor is calculated on the basis of the Net operating time and Quality. Losses due to „Defects in process“ and „Start up losses“. * we have cods for quality faults – FA, FU, FO. Valuable operating time Quality losses Defects in process Start up losses Quality

13 2. Definition = X X OEE = X Availability (A) (P) Quality (Q) T OEE Planning factor (Pf) OEE T OEE Performance Planned dow- time Total Productivity

14 Planned production time Gross operating time Net operating time Valuable operating time Planned down-time Unplenned down-time losses Speed losses Quality losses Availability (A) Performance (P) Quality (Q) Defects in process Idling & Minor Stoppages Reduced speed Equipment failure Set up & Adjustment Theoretical production time, 365 days, 24 hours = XX OEE Planning factor (Pf) Availability (A) Performance (P) Quality (Q) Six big losses Start up losses 2. Definition OEE OEE T OEE Total Productivity

15 5. Finish OEE is the main production parameter in Plaston Group And where else ?

16 5. Finish Where is our competition ? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Average in branche The best Qualities of best companies : Great experience with the measuring of losses in production process Systematicle improvement Improving of employees qualification Paper, cellulose, Injection Foundries OuthersMachine insustry

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