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Could you think of what Cons and Pros the Social Media may have? Podscats Instagram Social Media: everywhere and in everything?

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Presentation on theme: "Could you think of what Cons and Pros the Social Media may have? Podscats Instagram Social Media: everywhere and in everything?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Could you think of what Cons and Pros the Social Media may have? Podscats Instagram Social Media: everywhere and in everything?

3 ProsCons Help meet new peopleNot having personal relationships Exposure to new thingsNot helpful for true communication Making connectionsDistracting Quick communicationDoesn’t always reflect who you are The key of responsible social media is having a balance between the Pros and Cons Social Media: The Good and the Bad?

4 media-usage-will-change-in-2013-0349418 Let’s talk about numbers  the DIGITAL continent The population of South America + North America combined is about 1 Billion The Social Media is a NEW C O N T I N E N T USERS:

5 Virtual identity or True identity Virtual Reality: It is very easy to put only the best pictures of us on any Social Media and publish only things that are humorous or will otherwise get a lot of "likes". True reality: "being a Catholic young person whose online presence corresponds with who they are in real life". Not "liking" things that go against what we believe or support - even if it means not being as popular, because all of our friends clicked "like" and we didn't.

6 Mark 16, 15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” 1 Cor 9, 16 If I preach the gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it! Social media are portals of truth and faith, new spaces for evangelization So… what Jesus told us to do?

7 Are u ready to be a Cyberspace missionary? “Social media are the fastest growing form of communication in the US, especially among youth and young adults. Our Church cannot ignore it, but at the same time we must engage social media in a manner that is safe, responsible, and civil.” US conference of Catholic Bishops. How we effectively use Social Media to defend Christ’s Church? Examples of CAN (Catholic News Agency) and NGOs and Commercial products against our Faith

8 Our Church present on Social Medial

9 Tips for Responsible Social Networking 1. Pray first 2. Would I say that if someone was sitting right here with me? 3. The internet never forgets 4. Avoid “venting” 5. You are ultimately responsible 6. Someone may only ever meet God through your posts

10 BCCC Mission Responsible

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