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Pastor Search Committee Training Mobile Baptist Association C. Thomas Wright, PhD

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1 Pastor Search Committee Training Mobile Baptist Association C. Thomas Wright, PhD

2 12 Steps To Find and Call A Pastor The Ultimate Goal of this Committee is to Find God’s Man Through Prayer and Hard Work !

3 Elect and assign the Search Committee  Determine what the congregation expects the search committee to do or not do.  Process often takes 2 years  Remember, Human will can subvert God’s Will.  Develop a job description that defines your role and functions for you and the church

4 The church elects a Pastor Search Committee for the following purposes:  To survey the congregation to determine a profile of the man and his wife to be sought.  To receive and review resumes  To search out God’s man by all means possible: Resumes, References, Audio/Videos, Personal Interviews of candidate and spouse, Personal Observation  To recommend a candidate and family to be voted on by the church.

5 Job Description continued  To make all arrangements for visits and the invitation to preach in view of a call.  To work with the Finance Committee to jointly recommend salary and benefits for church vote before a candidate and wife is presented.  To work with the new pastor and wife to make all arrangements regarding his move to the field and transition for a period including three months after arrival.

6 Step 1: Planning  Discuss the kind of Pastor this church needs and create a profile  Age range, background, education (SBC seminary Highly recommended)  Have church vote on the income range (should be same as majority of members). Moving costs around 10k  Update and vote on pastor’s job description

7 Step 1: Planning  Set a timeline, Maybe: 3-6 months to collect resumes. 1-2 months to pick the top 5 1-2 months to pick the top candidate 2 months to contact references 1 month to schedule confidential visit 1 month to present to church 1 month notice to his current church

8 Step 1: Planning  Develop a congregational survey to involve the people.  What do they see as primary responsibilities of a pastor  Include a question about how much time he should spend in each responsibility.  Which is most important here? Administrator, Pastor, Preacher, Outreach

9 Step 1: Planning  Agree what this church needs to look like in five years,  do you want to grow by evangelistically reaching the entire community or maintain current size/membership?  Building projects? Additional Staff?  Before surveying the people, do the survey as a committee. Be sure the committee represents the church in age and ethnicity. Shouldn’t have more than one member of the same family on the committee.

10 Step 2: Gather Resumes  Gather resumes from the MBA, ALSBOM, SEBTS, NOBTS, SWBTS, and from your people  Let the people know to provide any resume they want you to have  Advertise in state Baptist papers  Number the resumes as you receive them for easy reference

11 Step 2: Gather Resumes  Maintain STRICT confidentiality. A pastor rarely recovers when a congregation learns he is looking.  Pray that God will raise up His man to your committee  Set a deadline (3-6 months) to wait for enough resumes before you seriously consider them

12 Step 3: Narrow The Field to 5  Set aside a special prayer time to review the resumes  Separately grade each of the resumes as compared to your profile (this is in fact your first interview).  Meet and record the grades you each gave each resume  You will be amazed at how the Holy Spirit works through you to agree

13 Step 3: Narrow The Field to 5  You must eliminate some (or all) candidates from consideration  If no one fits the profile send out a new request for resumes.  Pick five resumes for further consideration, create a binder for each one (you will not be able to remember details about each one).

14 Step 4: Communicate With All Applicants  Call the top 5 candidates to see if they are still available and want to be considered.  Be prepared to describe your church and its situation, provide the URL, written info.  Request 3 audio/video/CD messages  Let them know your process, timeline, and that you are praying for God’s leadership  Contact all others to let them know they will not be considered at this time

15 Step 5: Narrow Down To One Man  Develop interview questions that are important to you and the church  Determine strengths and weaknesses, leadership style, preaching style, pastoral style, visitation style, evangelistic style  Interview the candidates by phone and record the answers  Include questions about the wife’s call and her understanding/preference for her role.

16 Step 5: Narrow Down To One Man  Then send the top 2 or 3 candidates a set of additional “Deal breaker” questions for a written response  Evaluate the answers as a committee and pick the candidate that fits the profile  Let him know he is your primary candidate and see if he wants to continue the process  Provide the timeline and let him ask the questions he needs answered

17 Step 5: Narrow Down To One Man  Provide him a copy of budget, constitution and by-laws, history, minutes, and his job description  Contact all references  Ask references for a second tier of references  Investigate the background of the applicant for any financial, legal, or personal problems

18 Step 6: Visit The Candidate  Pursue ONE candidate until you determine he is, or is not, the man  Strict confidentiality is required so he can stay there if you do not call him  Don’t go in the church van  Don’t go in together nor sit together  Don’t complete visitor’s cards

19 Step 6: Visit the candidate  Don’t let the candidate know that you are coming  Do confirm with the church office that the pastor will be preaching  Take notes and evaluate as you travel back home, include the evaluation in their binder  Vote to determine if he is still your candidate

20 Step 7: Invite for Field Visit  Invite the ONE candidate, his wife and children to visit the church and meet with the committee. Confirm the wife’s role  This should be “private” and confidential  Give them a tour of the church and the area around the church including housing and school options  This is a time for them to ask you questions as well. The questions they ask are very important too  Vote to determine if he is still your man

21 Step 8: Involve The Church  This needs to be done throughout the process  The survey involves the people  Give a report monthly in the morning worship service  The financial package needs to be voted on in step one, now they need to approve the cost of a move

22 Step 8: Involve The Church  Be sure to work in cooperation with the Finance Committee  Discuss the pastor’s job description  Discuss his philosophy of ministry and how he will be involved as pastor/leader  Discuss the wife’s role  Prepare them for church growth

23 Step 8: Involve The Church  Vote on the financial package before he comes to preach  Determine the per cent vote needed to call  Get ALL agreements in writing to protect him and you

24 Step 9: Invitation To Preach  Let the candidate know that you believe that he is God’s man and issue an invitation to come preach in view of a call  Discuss any details on the job description, finances, and his pastor/leader role

25 Step 9: Invitation To Preach  Tell him that you need to know if he will accept the call of the church on the day they vote to call him  He needs to sense God’s call!

26 Step 10: Vote To Call  Be sure that the church and the candidate understand the per cent needed to have a call  The vote should be by secret ballot  You should plan a weekend of activities to give people time to meet and get to know the candidate, his family, and his heart

27 Step 10: Vote To Call  Plan a Friday night time with the main leadership of the church  Plan a Saturday morning coffee time where he can share some of his heart with the church and answer some of their questions  Plan a Saturday evening covered dish supper so that everyone can have a chance to meet him & wife

28 Step 10: Vote To Call  After the sermon, have the candidate leave during the vote  Only church members present vote  Count the vote and have congregation sing while counting  Go share the vote with the Pastor  Bring him back into the service to announce his decision

29 Step 10: Vote To Call  Celebrate God’s leadership with a brief time of worship and praise  Let the people come by and welcome the new pastor and his family  Finalize the timeline of when he will be on the field before he leaves

30 Step 11: Transition & Move  The committee should be instrumental in helping the pastor move and get settled in  Help with moving arrangements  Provide a house-hunting visit  Greet his family and the moving van when they arrive  Arrange for some meals to be brought in for a few days

31 Step 11: Transition & Move  Schedule some people to go by and assist with the unpacking if the wife wants or needs help  Follow-through with everything you have said you would do!  Provide written copies of agreements

32 Step 12: Continued Support  You should be the greatest supporters of the new pastor  You should be some of his best friends in the church  You need to lend your influence to helping all the church members to accept him and give him a chance to prove himself

33 Step 12: Continued Support  You should continue to serve for a period of at least three months after he arrives to be sure that he has a group that he can trust and come to with needs  Stand by him unashamedly unless he proves not to be a man of God!  Help him with church growth end


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