Practice on Measuring Length and Processing Experiment Data 11# 3016 Liu Xiaoyu.

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1 Practice on Measuring Length and Processing Experiment Data 11# 3016 Liu Xiaoyu

2  What we need to do in this experiment? To obtain the volume of a hollow cylinder and a sphere  What measuring tools we can use ? A metal ruler, a vernier caliper & a micrometer  Why we need to do such an experiment? 1. Know the correct use of the vernier caliper & the micrometer 2. Do some exercises for processing experiment data

3 1.Introduction of tools 1).Metal ruler

4  Parameters for a ruler: Graduation value (i): defined as the value between two closed graduation marks. Instrument error ( ): defined as half of the graduation value.

5 2). Vernier caliper

6  Parameters for a vernier caliper: Graduation value: defined as i=a/n. Instrument error: same value as the graduation value. Rules for reading: L=L 0 +ki

7 3). Micrometer

8  Parameters for a micrometer: Graduation value: also can be defined as i=a/n Instrument error: half of the graduation value. Rules for reading: The final result = the reading – the original reading

9 2. Experiment data Times h 1 2 3 4 5 Mean value 1) Height of the hollow cylinder (measured by the metal ruler) mm

10 Times DoDo DiDi 1 2 3 4 5 Mean value 2). Outside & inside diameter of the hollow cylinder (measured by the vernier caliper) mm

11 TimesThe original reading The readingFinal D 1 2 3 4 5 Mean value 3). Diameter of the sphere (measured by the micrometer) mm

12 3.Data processing 1). Volume of the hollow cylinder

13 2).Volume of the sphere

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