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NOVEMBER FIRST 2011 Good Morning English. Halloween!

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Presentation on theme: "NOVEMBER FIRST 2011 Good Morning English. Halloween!"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOVEMBER FIRST 2011 Good Morning English

2 Halloween!




6 Sports Day!










16 At a Dental Clinic Dentist:Hi there, it’s been a while since I last saw you. Patient:I know but I haven’t had any problem with my teeth until now. Dentist:You know you should visit your dentist twice a year. Now, open your mouth for me. Open wide. Wider…wider…THAT’S IT! Hmm, it looks like you have a cavity. Patient:Ouch! It’s very sensitive, doctor. Please be careful. Dentist:Hmm… It looks like you need a filling. Does it hurt? Patient:Yes, especially when I brush my teeth. My gums bleed when I brush my teeth. Dentist: That would probably kill you. I suggest you brush your teeth on a regular basis. Patient:I try to but I get lazy sometimes.

17 Expressions 1. It’s been awhile : “It’s been a long time since-” 1. 한지 오래되다, 오랜만 (A : Hey J! Long time no see. How are you? ) ( B : Pretty good! It’s been a while since we’ve graduated from Oma! Time flies!)

18 Expressions 2. Twice a year : two times a year 1 년에 2 번 (Example: Once, twice, three times : 한번, 두 번 세 번 ) (A : We have gym class twice a week. Oh my gosh, it’s so tiring in the summer.) (B : I know. It’s too tiring. We should have gym class just once a week!)

19 Expressions 3. Cavity: hole in the tooth, decay in the tooth 움푹 팬 곳, 충치의 구멍 (A : I used to have so many cavities when I was younger.) (B : Hey, I’m worse I still have cavities all over my mouth!)

20 Expressions 4. Need a filling : a dental procedure – covering the hole ( 치아를 ) 때울 필요가 있다 (If your teeth hurts, you might need a filling in your teeth.)

21 Expressions 5. Gum : 잇몸 (A : When you brush your teeth, you also need to clean your gum by brushing it softly) (B : If you get gum disease, your gum swells and bleeds)

22 Good Bye!

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