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Communication, Influence & Persuasion Joyce Osland.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication, Influence & Persuasion Joyce Osland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication, Influence & Persuasion Joyce Osland

2 Arc of Distortion What A communicates but does not intend Arc of distortion What A intends to communicate Receiver B A Sender

3 Meaning Lies in People Not Words People are unique so they encode and decode messages differently Only 7% of meaning comes from words Words have different connotations for different groups.

4 Response Styles Evaluative Interpretive Supportive Probing Understanding

5 Defensive/Nondefensive Communication Climates

6 Assertiveness is the ability to communicate clearly and directly what you need or want

7 I-Statements Effect Feeling Behavior

8 When you come late to class, it disrupts what’s going on and we have to stop to orient you and figure out what group you should join. And that’s annoying. I-Statements

9 Power and Influence POWER—the capacity to influence the behavior of others INFLUENCE—the process by which people successfully persuade others to follow their advice, suggestions, or orders

10 Resistance Compliance Commitment Outcomes of Influence Attempts

11 Sources of Power Position Expertise Effort Relationships Coercive power Charisma Referent power Control over resources Control and access to information Strategic contingency power

12 Muscle Level Continuum Level 1Polite request Level 2Stronger request, I-statements Level 3Statement of consequences if behavior doesn’t change Level 4Application of consequences in Level 3

13 Assertive Persuasion Behaviors: Reasoning, debating, presenting ideas, proposals, and suggestions that involve facts and logic Language: I suggest we adopt the second proposal for the following three reasons... Push Styles...

14 Reward and Punishment Push Styles... Behaviors: Stating expectations, using incentives and pressures, evaluating, demanding, bargaining Language: I expect you to be at work on time. If you are late, I will have to dock your pay.

15 Participation and Trust Behaviors: Understanding, involving and supporting others, personal disclosure, active listening Language: What do the rest of you think we should do? Pull Styles...

16 Common Vision Behaviors: Inspiring, visioning, finding common ground, aligning Language: Imagine what we could accomplish if we worked together. Pull Styles...

17 Four Ways Not to Persuade Force an initial up-front hard sell. Resist compromise Believe that the secret of persuasion lies in presenting great arguments. Assume persuasion is a one-shot effort.

18 Four Essential Steps in Persuasion Establish credibility Frame for common ground Provide evidence Connect emotionally

19 The Law of Reciprocity The almost universal belief that people should be paid back for what they do One good (or bad) deed deserves another.

20 Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies Inspiration-Related Currencies vision, excellence, moral/ethical correctness Task-Related Currencies resources, assistance, cooperation, information Position-Related Currencies advancement, recognition, visibility, reputation, importance/insiderness, network/contacts

21 ...Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies Relationship-Related Currencies acceptance/inclusion, personal support, understanding Personal-Related Currencies self-concept, challenge/learning, ownership/involvement, gratitude

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