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Third Meeting of the Heads of ECO National Statistical Offices 24-25 May, Kabul, Afghanistan 1 Strengthening the National Statistical System of Afghanistan.

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Presentation on theme: "Third Meeting of the Heads of ECO National Statistical Offices 24-25 May, Kabul, Afghanistan 1 Strengthening the National Statistical System of Afghanistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Meeting of the Heads of ECO National Statistical Offices 24-25 May, Kabul, Afghanistan 1 Strengthening the National Statistical System of Afghanistan By: Esmatullah Ramzi Statistical Advisor (CSO)

2 Central Statistics Organization(CSO ) 2  Central statistics organization was established in 1971 as an autonomous organization, bringing together statistical cells of different ministries and departments.  Since then, CSO has been operating as the national statistical organization in the country.  During years of war and conflict CSO like all other organizations suffered allot.

3 Mandate of CSO 3 The Statistical Law (July 2006) of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has given the following mandate to CSO: “Article 2 : The Central Statistics Organization shall function, as an independent governmental administration, for the purpose of creating an integrated scientific system for statistics, ensuring harmonization and coordination of all statistical activities in the nation.” The Act also gives CSO powers to authorize or not any other public body to conduct surveys.

4 Current Structure of CSO 4 Currently CSO has the following main Departments:  Department of National Accounts and Price Statistics  Department of Economic Statistics  Department of Demography and Social Statistics  Department of Field Operation (including Database and GIS Unit)  Department of Planning and Aid-coordination  Department of Finance and Administration  CSO Provincial Offices in all 34 provinces of the country

5 Development of Statistics in Afghanistan 5  2002-2007: Some achievements  Donor fragmentation leading to duplication  2008-2009: More commitment on statistical capacity  CSO brought together the main stakeholders  A seven year plan was developed.  2010: SRF approach  A prioritised plan: Afghanistan National Statistics Plan  Formalise donor-GoA stakeholders into a Statistics Task Force

6 SRF developments 6  Project is developed as a WB financing operation funded buy UK and Netherlands  Application for SRF submitted in Feb 2010  The World Bank approved the project on Oct 7, 2010  Grant Agreement was signed on Oct 20, 2010  Project team has been recruited  Twinning partners are short listed  Keep working at related, shorter term results training, catalogue of publications...

7 SRF Activities SRF project will implement ANSP &main components of the project are: (a) Improve Framework for Institutional and Capacity Development, (b) Improve Data Collection and Analysis, (c) Improve Administrative Data Systems and Other Data from Line- Ministries, (d) Develop Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure 7

8 SRF budget allocation according to ANSP 8 ComponentsAmount % out of TBC % out of GT A Institutional and Capacity Development4.84943.934.64 B Data Collection and Analyses3.41018.624.36 C Administrative Data System and other Data from Line- ministries 0.7687.05.49 D Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure1.49312.610.66 F Project Management1.98017.914.14 Total Baseline Cost (TBC)12.500100.089.29 Provision for taxes0.8757.06.25 Contingencies0.6255.04.46 Grand total (GT)14.000 100

9 SRF budget allocation for the next five years 9 Budget20112012201320142015 Budget allocation per year15554197290338301515 Cumulative Balance1555575186541248514000 % of disbursement per year11.130.020.727.410.8

10 Administrative Data :  A new emphasis on administrative statistical system is being given as they form the real backbone of decision-making and planning processes.  data from administrative source are collected every year & presented in the form of statistical yearbook. The important sectors covered are :  Population Estimates  Health and Education (including culture and media)  Environment  National Accounts  Agriculture  Industry  Inflation and Exchange rate  External Trade  Fiscal Statistics  Donor Assistance Main Activities of CSO 10

11 Census of Population and Housing :  Council of Ministers approved postponement of Census from 2008 to 2010 in June 2008.  The preliminary work for conducting of Census such as Updating of Household Listing, Pilot census etc. are delayed because of –  Lack of funds  Security situation was not conducive for conduct of the census.  Updating of Household Listing was taken up from 6 th August 2009 to 30 th January 2010 and data processing is now on going. Main Activities of CSO 11

12 Surveys :  National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (NRVA)  NRVA 2007/08 Report launched in December 2009.  Data collection for NRVA 2011 going on with substantial changes in design to make it more effective and result-oriented.  Integrated Business Establishment Survey : Survey completed and report has been launched.  Survey on Women and Men in Decision Making – First phase of the survey covering civil servants (Grade 2 and above) completed. Data has been analyzed and Report will be launched soon.  Data collection for Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey(MICS) completed. Data editing & data- entry is on going.  Consumer Price Indices (CPI) surveys conducted on monthly basis with updated weights,expanded items &coverage. Main Activities of CSO 12

13 Future Planes 13 CSO plans to conduct following surveys in next 5 years  Survey on Participation of Women and Men in Decision Making (second phase )  Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey  Labour Force Survey  Household Income and Expenditure Survey  Child Labor Survey  National Demographic Survey  National Risk and Vulnerability Survey (NRVA )  Census of Agriculture  Integrated Business Establishment Survey  Census of Establishments  Small-scale surveys on Agriculture  Expanded Consumer Price Survey

14  Lack of Capacity especially in view of implementation of Afghanistan National Statistical Plan and SRF.  Lack of physical and communication infrastructure especially in the provinces.  Lack of statistical capacity in some ministries and departments to provide administrative data.  Multiplicity of data providers and their non-coordination with CSO although required by the Statistical law.  Lack of awareness about the importance of data at all levels.  Lack of up to date topographic maps and satellite images Challenges Ahead 14

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