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Do Now Find the net force on a desk if you push the desk with 45.5 Newton's to the right and another student pushes with 45 Newton’s to the left Find the.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Find the net force on a desk if you push the desk with 45.5 Newton's to the right and another student pushes with 45 Newton’s to the left Find the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Find the net force on a desk if you push the desk with 45.5 Newton's to the right and another student pushes with 45 Newton’s to the left Find the net force on a object if two students push in the same direction with 5.5 Newton’s of force.


3 What is a wave? A disturbance that transfers energy. Some types of waves require a medium to travel through while others don’t. A medium is matter that a wave travels through (solid, liquid, gas). Resting position

4 Different types of waves: Sound waves and water waves travel through matter (mechanical waves). Other waves, like visible light, microwaves, X-rays, and radio waves, travel through empty space, as well as through matter (electromagnetic waves).

5 What is a crest? The peak, or highest point, of a transverse wave Crest

6 What is a trough? The valley, or lowest point, of a transverse wave Trough

7 What is a wavelength? The distance from any point on one wave to a corresponding point on an adjacent wave (ex. crest to crest or trough to trough) Wavelength

8 What is frequency? The number of oscillations produced in a certain amount of time. The greater the number of oscillations per second, the higher the frequency. The higher the frequency, the more energy carried by the wave. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). One Hertz is equal to one wave per second. Low frequency High frequency Low energyHigh energy

9 What is amplitude? The distance a wave oscillates from its resting position (is also known as the “height” of a wave). The larger the amplitude, the more energy carried by the wave. Large amplitude Small amplitude Low energy High energy

10 Now Hear This Read the passage and answer the following questions file://localhost/Users/MrMac/Documents/jppss/FORD/2014- 2015HFMS/Science Resources /Waves/Articles/Now Hear This Passage.pdf file://localhost/Users/MrMac/Documents/jppss/FORD/2014- 2015HFMS/Science Resources /Waves/Articles/Now Hear This Passage.pdf

11 Exit Quiz What is frequency? What is amplitude?

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