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SPICE: TOWARDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SCIENCE PEDAGOGY INNOVATION CENTRE FOR EUROPE Spice is funded with support from the European Commission. This presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "SPICE: TOWARDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SCIENCE PEDAGOGY INNOVATION CENTRE FOR EUROPE Spice is funded with support from the European Commission. This presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPICE: TOWARDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SCIENCE PEDAGOGY INNOVATION CENTRE FOR EUROPE Spice is funded with support from the European Commission. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 AT THE BEGINNING THERE WERE... Lessons from Inspire project Use of resources in MST classes « Travel well » criteria European Schoolnet (EUN, Belgium) + Dum zahranicnich sluzeb MSMT (DZS, Czech Rep.) + Direcção Geral de Inovação e Desenvo (DGIDC, Portugal) Lifelong Learning Programme from DGEAC Aim: to establish a Science Pedagogy Innovation Centre for Europe Duration: December 2009 – November 2011

3 OBJECTIVES To collect, analyze, validate and disseminate innovative pedagogical practice, in Maths, Science and Technology, labelled as Good Practices (GP) Especially those GP based on inquiry-based learning Mostly ICT-based GP enhancing pupil motivation for science studies (at primary/secondary level) The good practice criteria will allow new initiatives to have guidelines to ensure their innovation and quality.

4 THE BIG PICTURE A teacher panel, along with a science expert panel, from 16 European countries, will help the SPICE partners in defining good practice projects that will then be tested in schools in countries different to the one where the projects come from. Results of those trials will be shared on the occasion of a Summer school organized by DZS in the Czech Republic (26-29 August 2011). GP Criteria 16 Teachers EUN + DZS + DGIDC 16 Experts

5 WHERE WE ARE AND THE ROAD AHEAD 1 21-23 May 2010: 1st panels meetings (Brussels) SPICE teachers and science education experts from 16 countries met for the first time to discuss and analyse innovative pedagogical practices in MST. Teachers presented several practices, from which GPs were selected, according to well-defined criteria. 2 17-19 September 2010: 2 nd panels meeting (Portugal) Presentation of implementation of GPs, i.e. how to test them in class 3 October to December 2010 Moodle training on tests

6 WHERE WE ARE AND THE ROAD AHEAD 4 January to April 2011 Testing in class in the 16 participating countries 5 By 13 May 2011 Teachers will hand their results 6 26-29 August 2011: Summer Academy (Czech Rep.) Last meeting to share results

7 EXPECTED OUTCOMES AND RESULTS The dissemination of innovative pedagogical practice in MST subjects. The good practice criteria will allow new initiatives to have guidelines to ensure their innovation and quality. SPICE teachers will actively contribute to the Communities of Practice (CoPs) beyond their launch, which will take place during the Summer school.

8 ABOUT SPICE Thank you for your attention! Basic information: Coordinator: European Schoolnet (Belgium) Partners: Dum zahranicnich sluzeb MSMT (Czech Republic) and Direcção Geral de Inovação e Desenvo (Portugal) Contact: Agueda Gras-Velazquez (Project Manager): or Eloise Gerard (Project Administrator):

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