USPHS SCIENTIFIC & TRAINING SYMPOSIUM JUNE 21, 2012 AT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND RADM John C. Villforth (retired) Engineer Category Day USPHS Engineers Flag.

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Presentation on theme: "USPHS SCIENTIFIC & TRAINING SYMPOSIUM JUNE 21, 2012 AT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND RADM John C. Villforth (retired) Engineer Category Day USPHS Engineers Flag."— Presentation transcript:

1 USPHS SCIENTIFIC & TRAINING SYMPOSIUM JUNE 21, 2012 AT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND RADM John C. Villforth (retired) Engineer Category Day USPHS Engineers Flag Officers Panel

2 What do Engineers bring to the table?

3  Problem Solving

4 What do Engineers bring to the table?  Problem Solving  What’s more important than Solving problems?

5 What do Engineers bring to the table?  Problem Solving  What’s more important than Solving problems?  Identifying the Problem

6 What do Engineers bring to the table?  Problem Solving Ability  What’s more important than Solving problems?  Identifying the Problem  If you don’t understand WHAT the problem is; how can you solve it?

7 What do Engineers bring to the table?  Once you understand the problem and start to solve it there are things to keep in mind about how to progress…

8 This is advice I got from my mentor, CAPT Jim Terrill - a PHS Engineer After 40 years, it still works for me!

9 This is advise I got from my Mentor - a PHS Engineer - 40 years ago. It still works for me!



12 How does this apply? … an Example

13 Are Cell Phones Safe?

14 How does this apply? Washington Post 6- days ago!

15 How does this apply? Is the FCC a Public Health Agency? Would the American People trust FCC setting guidelines for protection from cell phone radiation?

16 How does this apply? What public health agencies could identify the problem and solve it? NIH, NIEHS, NIOSH, CDC, FDA, EPA, etc. …all with competent Engineers

17  I don’t know the biological risk from cell phone radiation.  But there is a risk to the PHS if a public health organization does not step up and address the problem!  Will the engineers step up?

18 Lets go back in time - to a similar public health problem.

19 Lets go back in time - To a similar problem. circa 1967

20 Lets go back in time - To a similar problem. 1967 Inadvertent x-ray emissions from color TV sets

21 Lets go back in time - To a similar problem.  Same for Microwave Ovens April 1973

22 Lets go back in time - To a similar problem.  Same for Microwave Ovens

23 Lets go back in time - To a similar problem.  Same for Microwave Ovens  or Lasers

24 PHS Engineers will always be needed…  To identify the problem. What is the Risk?

25 PHS Engineers will always be needed…  To identify the problem. What is the Risk?  To work on solutions

26 PHS Engineers will always be needed…  To identify the problem. What is the Risk?  To work on solutions …and maybe PHS Engineers will define the cell phone risk and offer solutions.

27 Engineering is Great Profession!

28  And there is no greater satisfaction than applying your engineering skills to helping people through public health!

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