Nurses utilisation of evidence to inform practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Nurses utilisation of evidence to inform practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nurses utilisation of evidence to inform practice

2 NUEIP 2 projects sponsored by the Ministry of Health trying to improve nurses access to and use of evidence to support their practice North Island (Waikato): Fund access for all nurses working in pilot DHB regions to a recognised clinical procedure database – Lippincott Nursing manual South Island: NZ Institute of Community Health Care is managing the project for CDHB. Project Team: Chris Hendry (NZICHC) Heather Gray (CDHB) Kathy Peri (CDHB) Sheree East (Nurse Maude) NZICHC Project Nurse Karen Betony

3 SI Project summary Development of a ‘one stop shop’ website is largely complete and ready for launching. The website:  directs staff to high quality, reputable web resources which can be accessed anywhere, by anyone, at any time  educates staff on how to efficiently search the internet and identify quality resources  enables nurses to share resources

4 Survey of current access to, and use of internet Findings Main sources of information- free access websites and through discussion with colleagues Most commonly looked for- specific condition and condition management and treatment information Lack of subscription to evidence based resources and hard copy journals a barrier Internet used at home and work equally, computer access at work identified as a barrier at times

5 Still in development An area of the site which will require registration, exploring a link to Nursing Council APC register. This area aims to:  allow access to evidence based subscription site  provide a central point for policies and procedures Nurses can currently:  make content suggestions  highlight new articles














19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The session material has been developed by Karen Betony, Project Nurse for the ‘Nurses Utilisation of Evidence’ project and very kindly delivered by staff based in the South Island DHB regions. Their input and support throughout the project is greatly appreciated.

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