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What is it? 8 week team based employee walking program challenge. Teams should consist of –Minimum of 2 people –Maximum of 4 people The team will choose.

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Presentation on theme: "What is it? 8 week team based employee walking program challenge. Teams should consist of –Minimum of 2 people –Maximum of 4 people The team will choose."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is it? 8 week team based employee walking program challenge. Teams should consist of –Minimum of 2 people –Maximum of 4 people The team will choose a captain and team name. Walk 250 total miles through the Oregon Trail. –Using a pedometer to track your steps.

3 How? Your steps will be tracked along our 250 mile walking course (Oregon Trail). You walk individually, but move as a team throughout the course. Teams are moved along the course based on the percentage of the trail completed.

4 Step Goals Your daily step goal is approximately 9000 steps or 4.5 miles per day. Other activities such as biking, swimming, etc can be converted to steps by using the step equivalent sheets. Once you reach your 250 miles, no additional miles will be awarded to that individual. Teammates cannot give extra miles to one another.

5 How to Earn Miles? Miles are earned by using your pedometer to track your steps (2,000 steps = 1 mile). Steps are then logged on your weekly step log These forms must be fully completed and then turned into your captain. The captain will then fax, e-mail, or interoffice mail the teams’ tracking form to Karen Clifford EVERY Monday. If logs are NOT turned in on time, each team member will receive 10 penalty miles.

6 Weekly Step Tracker Participant Name: ____________________ Team Name: _______________________________ Week number: ________ Week of: / / - / / Weekly step goal: _______ Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Total Number of Steps/day Total steps taken this week: _____________ Participants: Please complete this sheet at the end of the day, by adding the total number of steps from your pedometer plus any step equivalents from the day. This sheet must be turned in to your team captain every Monday to prevent penalty miles.

7 Team Name: ____________________________________________ Team Captain : _________________________________________________________________ Team Member NameWeek NumberTotal number of steps per person for the week Total number of steps for the team: __________________________________ Captains, please complete this form using each team member’s weekly walking log. Total the number of steps for the team by adding each team member’s overall steps for the week. Return this form to Health Promotion Department-East Suite 10 every Monday. Forms may also be faxed or e-mailed to Karen Clifford: 440-354-1645 or

8 Eight Week Step Tracker Name: ________________________________ Start Date: _______________ End Date: _______________ 12345678 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Weekly Total Daily Average (Divide weekly total by 7) Add Daily Averages and divide by 8 for Eight Week Daily Average: ___________ Eight Week Daily Step Goal: _____________

9 Bonus Miles You may earn Bonus Miles by completing the worksheets on the website. Worksheets will need to be turned into Karen Clifford-East Suite 10 by the date listed on the website/worksheet.

10 When? The program begins Sunday, March 15 th. The program ends Saturday, May 9 th.

11 Registration/Money Collection Team captains need to turn in team registration and money by Friday, March 6 th. –Registration and money can be sent to: Karen Clifford-Health Promotion –East Suite 10 –Registrations can also be faxed/e-mailed to: 440-354-1645 –Cost is $15.00 per person. –Checks must be made out to Lake Hospital Systems. –Pedometers will be sent to the team captain AFTER ALL money and registrations are received.

12 Everyone who completes the walk along the Oregon Trail will receive a prize.

13 If you have additional question, please contact Karen Clifford @ 350-4511 or

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