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Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Syria Iraq Sudan Yamane Oman Jordan.

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Presentation on theme: "Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Syria Iraq Sudan Yamane Oman Jordan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Syria Iraq Sudan Yamane Oman Jordan

2 Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Content: Compares diaries studies: Ireland Japan Oman New Zealand Pros & Cons Conclusion

3 Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Dairies Studies Parameters IrelandNew ZealandJapanOman Kind of DiaryFull Light Time coverage 12: PM - 3: AM4: AM – 1: AM12:AM- 12: PM4: AM- 22: PM Time units15 Minutes5 Minutes15 Minutes Filled outRespondent ( put X ) Respondent ( activity) Respondent ( Draw lines ) Respondent ( Draw lines ) Contextual variables Location With whom Location With whom Location With whom _______ Age group0-13 __ 14+15 +

4 Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Pros Ireland 1- Describe the day which will complete the diary on it 2- Estimate the questionnaire ( problem with respondent ) 3- Describe time filled the diary 4- Defined what include in the main activity 5- Unpaid work & informal sector 6- Transportation 7- Easy to fill it New Zealand 1- simultaneous activity 2- Unpaid work & informal sector 3- Transportation 4- Age group, Member & non Member of HHLD Japan 1- Describe the day which will complete the diary on it & weather of this day 2- Unpaid work & informal sector Oman 1- Instructions to fill the diary 2- Other specify ( add activity ) 3- Make the activity suitable for their economic activity ( fishing )

5 Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Cons Ireland 1-There isn`t simultaneous activity 2- Long time to fill it New Zealand 1- Didn`t mention to the diary day 2- Long time to fill it 3- Need for clear instructions & help from the numerator Japan 1-There isn`t simultaneous activity 2- Classified just the main activity 3- Need help to fill it ( Draw lines ) Oman 1-There isn`t simultaneous activity 2- There aren`t contextual variables ( unpaid & informal ) 3- Classified just the main activity 4- there is no describing for the diary day

6 Powerpoint Templates Page 6 Conclusion The diary should send before time and filled by the respondent Defined the activity in details ( groups ) Time units ( 15 minutes during the day & 30 minutes at night ) Time coverage ( 24 hours ) Simultaneous activity Seasonality Contextual variables Describe the day which fill the diary on it and the environment

7 Powerpoint Templates Page 7

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