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Harcourt 10-11 Theme 3 Whole Group Lesson 14 Day 4 (if time)

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2 Harcourt 10-11 Theme 3 Whole Group Lesson 14 Day 4 (if time)




6 hermit drab occasionally timid fascinated trembling peculiar dashed

7 The Baileys thought he was a hermit because he didn’t seem to understand the questions Mr. Bailey asked him or know how to talk. Why did the Baileys think the stranger was hermit?

8 In what way was the stranger’s clothing drab? The stranger’s clothing is drab because he is wearing old leather clothes. Leather is a drab brown color.

9 What things fascinated the stranger ? The stranger was fascinated by the steam that rose from hot food. He was also fascinated by the flock of geese. He couldn’t take his eyes off of them.

10 Did the stranger occasionally talk? Explain. The stranger did not talk at all. However, he communicated his feelings with his facial expressions.

11 What was peculiar about the stranger? There were many peculiar things about the stranger. He didn’t speak to others, and wild rabbits were not afraid of him. The stranger didn’t recognize everyday things like buttons and steam, and there was a cold draft when he blew across the soup. He never got tired or started to sweat while working.

12 Did the stranger get more or less timid as he got to know the Baileys? The stranger became less timid as he spent time with the Baileys. The family felt he was happy to be with them.

13 Why do you think the stranger’s hand was trembling when he blew on the leaf? The stranger’s hand was trembling because he was upset about the color of the leaf. He was worried that something was wrong.

14 What happened after the stranger dashed out the door at the end of the story? After the stranger dashed out the door, the weather turned cold, and the leaves on the trees changed color.



17 Why is the Earth in an ideal position in the solar system? The Earth is in an ideal position in the solar system because it is not too close or too far away from the sun. If it was closer to the sun, the temperature would be burning hot, and if it was farther away from the sun, the temperature would be freezing cold.

18 How would you describe Earth’s shape? Earth is a gigantic ball that is slightly flattened out. Earth is shaped like a sphere.

19 The Earth is shaped like a gigantic ball that is slightly flattened out. Cause Effect The sun’s rays do not heat the Earth’s surface equally. How does Earth’s shape affect climates on different parts of the planet?

20 Countries near the equator get most of the Sun’s rays. Cause Effect Countries near the equator have warm climates. How does Earth’s shape affect climates on different parts of the planet? Countries lying closer to the poles, get the Sun’s rays indirectly. Cause Effect Countries lying closer to the poles have much colder climates.

21 The Earth revolves around the sun in a slightly tilted position. CauseEffect Either the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere will receive more of the Sun’s rays. What causes the seasons?

22 In July, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun. Cause Effect In July, the Northern Hemisphere has summer. What causes the seasons? In July, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun. Cause Effect In July, the Southern Hemisphere has winter.

23 How is this selection like “The Stranger” and how is it different? Both stories are about the changing of the seasons on Earth. The atlas entry is expository nonfiction. It explains how the Earth’s position changes the seasons. “The Stranger” is a fantasy story. It shows the seasons being changed by a mysterious stranger.

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