Subjective Pronouns He, she, we Objective Pronouns Him, her, us Possessive Pronouns His, her, our.

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2 Subjective Pronouns He, she, we Objective Pronouns Him, her, us Possessive Pronouns His, her, our

3 SingularPlural ymiv. 1 st Person Common Wnmev., my name, our name ^m,v. 2 nd Masc ~k,m,v., your name, ya’lls %m,v. 2 nd Fem !k,m,v., your name, ya’lls hymev. 3 rd Masc ~h,m'v., his name Hm'v. 3 rd Fem !h,m'v.,, their n, her name, their n

4 y i y ; ^ ^y < % %yI ; wO wy ' H ' h'y < my your your his her 1s 2ms 2fs 3ms 3fs Wn Wn e ~k, ~k, e !k, !k, e ~h, ~h, e !h, !h, e 1p 2mp 2fp 3mp 3fp our ya’lls ya’lls their their Type 1 Type 2

5 yli ^li %l' wOl Hl' To me To you To him To her 1s 2ms 2fs 3ms 3fs Wnl ' ~k,l' !k,l' ~h,l' !h,l' 1p 2mp 2fp 3mp 3fp To us To ya’ll To them

6 yli[' ^yl,[ ' %yI l;[' wO yl'[' h'yl,[' On me On you On him On her 1s 2ms 2fs 3ms 3fs Wn yle[' ~k,yl e[] !k,yl e[] ~h,yl e[] !h,yl e[] 1p 2mp 2fp 3mp 3fp On us On ya’ll On them

7 But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.” (Ruth 1:16). yh'l{a/ %yIh;l{awE yMi[; %Me[; !ylia' ynIyliT' rv,a]b;W %leae ykil.Te rv,a]-la, yKi For towhere you go I will go and into where you lodge I will lodge your people my people and your God my God

8 When used on nouns, they are possessive (my, his, their)When used on nouns, they are possessive (my, his, their) When used on prepositions, they are objective (me, him, them).When used on prepositions, they are objective (me, him, them). They have person, number, and genderThey have person, number, and gender Singular nouns can take either singular or plural suffixesSingular nouns can take either singular or plural suffixes

9 Plural nouns can take either singular or plural suffixesPlural nouns can take either singular or plural suffixes Singular nouns take type 1 suffixes; plural nouns take type 2 suffixesSingular nouns take type 1 suffixes; plural nouns take type 2 suffixes

10 ~k,l' aWh yn"doa] !TeyI !kel' td hr"h' hm'l.[;h' hNEhi tAa lae-WnM'[i Amv. tar"q'w> !Be (Isaiah 7:14) Therefore He will give LordHimself to you a sign Behold the maiden pregnant and birth a son and she will call his name with us God

11 ytiyrIB.-ta, ~yqIme ynIn>hi ynIa]w: ~k,[]r>z:-ta,w> ~k, `~k,yrEx]a; (Genesis 9:9) And I Behold! I am raising with A covenant with you guys and with your seed after you guys

12 ^l. dyGIhi ymi rm,aYOw: hT'a' ~roy[e yKi And he said Whotold to you that naked you (are)

13 !yIq"-la, hw"hy> rm,aYOw: %l' hr"x' hM'l' `^yn `^yn And he said YahwehtoCain Whyangry for you? And why Have they fallen your face(s)

14 ynIT"b.z:[] hm'l' yliae yliae My God Why yrEb.DI yti['Wvymi qAxr" forsaken me? `yti(g"a]v; distant from my salvation (are) words of my groaning

15 !ybeäW ^n>yBe( tyvia' hb'yaew> H['r>z: !ybeW ^[]r>z: !ybeW hV'aih'(> hT'a;w> varo ^p.Wvy> aWh `bqE[' WNp,WvT. And enmity I will make between you and between the woman and between your seed and between her seed he shall crush your head and you shall crush his heel


17 wOa Or

18 !yIa; There is not !yae or

19 @a; Nose Can have the idea of anger (snort).

20 rq,Bo Morning

21 rq'B' Herd of cattle

22 hk'r'B. Blessing %r; B' B To bless

23 !he Behold, if

24 hNEhi Behold

25 ha'J'x; Sin

26 vyE There is, there are

27 dAbK' Glory

28 yliK. Vessel, tool, weapon

29 ~x,l, Bread

30 dd'B' By oneself db;l. B Alone

31 Clan, family hx'P'v.mi

32 Battle hm'x'l.mi~x;l' B To fight

33 Circuit, surroundings bybis' bb;s ' B Go around

34 People ~[;

35 Tree #[e

36 ~d"a'h'-l[; ~yhil{a/ hw"hy> wc;y>w: #[e lkoa' !G"h;-#[e lKomi rmoale lkeaTo And he commanded Yahweh Godto the man saying From every tree of the garden eating you shall eat


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