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The Elements of Dance. There are Elements of Dance. 3.

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Presentation on theme: "The Elements of Dance. There are Elements of Dance. 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Elements of Dance

2 There are Elements of Dance. 3

3 The Elements of Dance SPACE

4 The Elements of Dance SPACE TIME

5 The Elements of Dance SPACE TIME FORCE

6 1st Element of Dance SPACE

7 1st Element of Dance SPACE Area surrounding a person in which he/she is able to move.

8 SPACE Shape:

9 SPACE Shape: circles, squares, triangles, etc. made with parts of the body, the whole body, with groups of people, or by moving through space.

10 SPACE Level:

11 SPACE Level: The vertical distance from the floor.

12 SPACE Level: The vertical distance from the floor. (High, Medium, or Low)

13 SPACE Direction:

14 SPACE Direction: Where the body moves.

15 SPACE Direction: Where the body moves. (e.g. Forward, backward, up, down, sideways, diagonally, etc.)

16 SPACE Pathways:

17 SPACE Pathways: Patterns we make as we move through the air or across the floor.

18 SPACE Focus:

19 SPACE Focus: Where the dancer’s eyes look as he/she is dancing.

20 SPACE Size:

21 SPACE Size: How large or small movements.

22 SPACE Shape Level Direction Pathways Focus Size

23 2nd Element of Dance TIME

24 2nd Element of Dance TIME The duration of the movement

25 TIME Beat:

26 TIME Beat: The on going underlying pulse.

27 TIME Tempo:

28 TIME Tempo: How fast or slow the movements.

29 TIME Accent:

30 TIME Accent: Strong beats that usually occur at regular intervals.

31 TIME Rhythmic Patterns:

32 TIME Rhythmic Patterns: Patterns made by arranging long and short movement or strong and light movement.

33 TIME Duration:

34 TIME Duration: The length of time the movement lasts.

35 TIME Beat Tempo Accent Rhythmic Patterns Duration

36 3rd Element of Dance FORCE

37 3rd Element of Dance FORCE How the body uses energy while moving.


39 FORCE FORCE = ENERGY Heavy / Light

40 FORCE FORCE = ENERGY Heavy / Light Sharp / Smooth

41 FORCE FORCE = ENERGY Heavy / Light Sharp / Smooth Tensed / Relaxed

42 FORCE FORCE = ENERGY Heavy / Light Sharp / Smooth Tensed / Relaxed Bound / Flowing

43 FORCE Bound / Flowing

44 FORCE Bound = releasing energy in a controlled, restrained manner

45 FORCE Flowing = releasing energy freely.

46 Elements of Dance SPACE Shape Level Direction Pathways Focus Size TIME Beat Tempo Accent Rhythmic Patterns Duration FORCE FORCE = ENERGY Heavy / Light, Sharp / Smooth, Tensed / Relaxed Bound / Flowing


48 Locomotor & Nonlocomotor

49 MOVEMENTS Locomotor:

50 MOVEMENTS Locomotor: Movements that take the body from one point to another.

51 MOVEMENTS Locomotor Examples:

52 MOVEMENTS Locomotor Examples: Step

53 MOVEMENTS Locomotor Examples: StepHop

54 MOVEMENTS Locomotor Examples: StepHopGrapevine

55 MOVEMENTS Locomotor Examples: StepHopGrapevine Polka

56 MOVEMENTS Locomotor Examples: StepHopGrapevine PolkaWaltz

57 MOVEMENTS Locomotor Examples: StepHopGrapevine PolkaWaltzTwo-step

58 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor:

59 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor: Movements that the body can do and still stay in one place.

60 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor Examples:

61 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor Examples: Push

62 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor Examples: PushPull

63 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor Examples: PushPullRise

64 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor Examples: PushPullRise Fall

65 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor Examples: PushPullRise FallDodge

66 MOVEMENTS Nonlocomotor Examples: PushPullRise FallDodgeSway


68 AB

69 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS AB A dance with a 2-part structure…

70 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS AB A dance with a 2-part structure with the second part being different from the first part.


72 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS ABA A dance with a 3-part structure…

73 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS ABA A dance with a 3-part structure… With the second part being different from the first part…

74 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS ABA A dance with a 3-part structure… With the second part being different from the first part… And the last part being the same as the first part.

75 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS Call and Response

76 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS Call and Response 1 st soloist/group moves, with the 2 nd soloist/group moving in “response”.


78 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS Narrative A dance that tells a story using only movement. NO WORDS!

79 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS Narrative Examples:

80 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS Narrative Examples: Ballets like… The Nutcracker Cinderella Swan Lake Sleeping Beauty

81 COMPOSITIONAL FORMS Narrative Examples: and some FOLK DANCES such as Native American Dances or the Hula


83 Body Alignment:

84 SKILLS OF BODY ALIGNMENT Body Alignment: Body placement or posture, when done properly, lessens body strain and promotes dance skills.


86 SKILLS OF BODY ALIGNMENT Balance: An equal distribution of weight, force, or influence

87 SKILLS OF BODY ALIGNMENT Isolation of body parts:

88 SKILLS OF BODY ALIGNMENT Isolation of body parts: The ability to move separate parts of the body independently.


90 SKILLS OF BODY ALIGNMENT Elevation: Movement of the body or parts of the body to a higher level.


92 SKILLS OF BODY ALIGNMENT Landing: The manner and quality in which the body returns to earth following an action of elevation (e.g. leap, hop, jump, etc.)

93 SKILLS OF BODY ALIGNMENT Body Alignment Balance Isolation of Body Parts Elevation Landing


95 Ceremonial

96 PURPOSES OF DANCE Ceremonial Dance done by a dancer in order to celebrate or commemorate a special occasion.

97 PURPOSES OF DANCE Ceremonial Perform a ritual such as an initiation of members into a group in some cultures.

98 PURPOSES OF DANCE Recreational

99 PURPOSES OF DANCE Recreational Dance done by a dancer in order to have FUN !

100 PURPOSES OF DANCE Recreational Square Dancing Tap Dancing Social Dances


102 PURPOSES OF DANCE ~ ARTISTIC ~ Dance done by a dancer so that the viewer can appreciate the artistry of the dance.

103 PURPOSES OF DANCE ~ ARTISTIC ~ Ballet Jazz Modern

104 The Elements of Dance

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