Mentoring Forum Discussion, Part II: Deepening Our Understanding of What’s Working February 18, 2014 Excerpts from Surveys #1 and #2 Summary of 9/19/survey.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring Forum Discussion, Part II: Deepening Our Understanding of What’s Working February 18, 2014 Excerpts from Surveys #1 and #2 Summary of 9/19/survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring Forum Discussion, Part II: Deepening Our Understanding of What’s Working February 18, 2014 Excerpts from Surveys #1 and #2 Summary of 9/19/survey results March 2014 mid-point survey

2 Summary of 9/19/13 survey results #4. What most influenced your decision to become a protégé in the mentoring program? 80% Professional Development 40% Networking Opportunities 30% Workshops & Seminar Opportunities 30%Job Advancement #6. The curriculum description that includes: professional development planning, learning & development sessions on diversity and inclusion, servant leadership, crucial conversations, book reviews on Now Discover Your Strengths, professional speakers and campus/mentor specific opportunities influenced my decision to participate in the mentoring program. 40% Strongly Agree 50% Agree 10% No Response

3 #8. What do you think is the most important part of the Mentoring Program curriculum?



6 #11. To what extent do you use and seek out the following professional development opportunities offered by the Research Foundation already?

7 #16. I would like to acquire more personal leadership behaviors in the following areas:

8 Research Foundation Protégé Mentoring Survey March 18, 2014 Midpoint Survey Objectives 1) Extent to which participants are networking among others in the program; 2) Nature of relationships formed between mentor and protégé; 3) Use of formative assessment for design of remaining curriculum for personal leadership development 4) Identification of what is working best and what parts are least helpful for future program design

9 #1. The September 19, 2013 kick-off session helped me put into practice:


11 #9. What personal responsibilities do you think you have in…… #10. How is your mentor helping you develop strategies to fulfill your Professional Development Plan (please be specific): #12. How have your original goals for the program changed as a result of your participation in the mentoring program in the last six months? For example, what goals did you start off with and what goals do you have now?

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