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An Overview of the Old Testament A General Perspective.

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1 An Overview of the Old Testament A General Perspective

2 Genesis Death of JosephCreation Exodus Israelites Come to Egypt 431 Years Leviticus 1 Month God in Midst Of Israel Numbers 38 yrs. 10 months Two Census Deuteronomy 1 month Tabernacle Finished Israel Tests God Final Addresses Of Moses Moses’ Life (120 Years) Adam (Eden) Seth Noah Abraham (Canaan) Isaac Jacob 12 Tribal Heads (Egypt) Israelite Threat Increase burdens 10 Plagues Passover Crossing Red Sea 10 Commandments Golden Calf Moses’ Pleading Building Tabernacle

3 Joshua 40 yrs Judges (Ruth) 324 yrs. United Kingdom 116 yrs. Land Promise Fulfilled With Western Side Conquered 15 Judges Lead God’s People Against Enemy Ill Seriously Ill Critically Ill Saul David Solomon Joshua 1- 24 Judges 1 – I Sam.9I Samuel 10 – I Kings 11

4 930 B.C Israel Assyrian 722 B.C. Babylonians 606, 597, 586 B.C DIVIDED KINGDOM Judah (I Kg.12 – II Kg.18) I Kg.12 – II Kg. 25 19 Kings/ 9 Dynasties 19 kings/ 1 Dynasty Isaiah Hosea Joel Amos ObadiahJonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah

5 Judah Continuing to…….. Jesus Comes of Seed of David Babylonians 1 st Deportation 606 B.C. Babylonians 2 nd Deportation 597 B.C. Babylonians 3 rd Deportation 586 B.C. Babylon Falls to Persia 539 B.C. 1 st Return Temple Rebuilt 538 – 516 B.C. Esther 483 – 473 B.C. 2 nd Return Law Restored 457 B.C. 3 rd Return Walls Rebuilt 444 – 425 B.C. Zerubbabel Ezra Nehemiah Ezra 1 - 6 Ezra 7 - 10 Daniel Ezekiel Jeremiah HaggaiZachariah Malachi

6 GOD’S STORY ISRAEL’S ENTRANCE INTO CANAAN 1407 B.C. REFORMS INSTIGATED BY NEHEMIAH 432 B.C. The Lord rules forever; His throne is from generation to generation. Lam.5:19

7 Make-Up of the Old Testament Five Books of Law Twelve Books of History Five Books of Poetry Five Major Prophets Twelve Minor Prophets

8 Chronological Overview of OT Abraham to Moses (600 years) Moses to David (400 years) David to Nehemiah (600 years) Nehemiah to Christ (400 years)

9 Old Testament History Twelve Periods Antediluvian Postdiluvian Patriarchal (215 yrs.) Egyptian (430 yrs.) Wilderness (40 yrs.) Conquest (1407-1367) Judges (1367-1043 B.C.) United Kingdom (1043-930) Divided Kingdom (930 to 722) Judean (722- 586) Exilic (586-538) Postexilic (538-432)

10 OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY God was moving toward the goal of the redemption of all people in Christ Jesus. “But when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law” Galatians 4:4


12 Value of the Old Testament Books Jesus knew and loved these books. Paul said many valuable lessons in these books (Rm.15:4; 1 Cor.10:11) Capable of making one wise (2 Tim.3:15) Pointed toward Christ (Jn.5;39; Lk.24:44f) Completely true (Jn.10:35; 2 Tim.3:16; 2 Pt.1:21) Furnish a framework in which the message of Israel’s prophets can be understood. Expand on the meaning of NT concepts Provide shadows of the work of Christ

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