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 is a historical record of all the courses that SPU has offered and is currently offering  is the foundation of the Banner Student System  is the base.

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Presentation on theme: " is a historical record of all the courses that SPU has offered and is currently offering  is the foundation of the Banner Student System  is the base."— Presentation transcript:


2  is a historical record of all the courses that SPU has offered and is currently offering  is the foundation of the Banner Student System  is the base on which we build the Time Schedule, which allows us to register and grade students  defines the rules for all courses  is our contract with students for curriculum rules

3 There are three parts:  Course Information Kay  Narrative Ruth  Degree Requirements Tiffany

4  Course changes are made in autumn quarter  All academic policy changes and program changes must be approved or reported to UPEC* (1000-4000 level courses) or GPEC** (5000-7000 level courses)  Submit your changes to Kay, who will then forward as necessary to the appropriate committee, via Ruth *Undergraduate Policy Evaluation Committee **Graduate Policy Evaluation Committee

5  You will receive a report that lists every active course your department has in Catalog.  Review the information, and send changes to Kay.  Almost all changes require a Course Change Form.  Minor changes to wording in the course description can be written on the report.



8  Distribution of Catalog to Schools – September 2 & 3  1 st Round of Catalog due to SAS – October 9 (This is the time to make any necessary changes to courses, curriculum, etc.)  2 nd Round of Catalog to Schools – November 9 (This is for minimal changes, such as typos, awkward wording, etc. It is the time to proof read the changes that were made based on what you submitted in the first round.)  Final Deadline for all course changes – December 1

9  Any free-form text that appears in the UG & GR catalog is edited by you, in a program called Contribute.  Changes are made during winter quarter.


11  Degree requirements are updated by Tiffany in Banner. You submit changes on paper, I do the rest!  Changes are made during winter quarter.


13  Academic year schedule produced by Tiffany & Lee during winter quarter Includes autumn/winter/spring quarters  Summer schedule produced by Tiffany during autumn quarter  Time Schedule is more flexible than Catalog. However, it needs to be finalized before registration begins.

14  In order to ensure accuracy before students register, we recommend auditing your sections (tuition/fees, days, times, instructors, etc.): Autumn—by August 1 Winter—by October 15 Spring—by January 15 Summer—by April 1

15  You will receive a spreadsheet that lists information on every section your department offered this summer.  Review the information, and submit Summer Time Schedule forms for every section you wish to offer next summer.  You will then be sent a spreadsheet that reflects next summer’s schedule for your review.  Write necessary changes on the spreadsheet in a brightly colored pen, and return to Tiffany.


17  Distribution of Summer Time Schedule (TS) to schools - September 2 & 3  1 st Round of Summer TS due to SAS - October 9  2 nd Round of Summer TS to schools - November 9  Final deadline for all Summer TS changes - December1

18  You will receive a spreadsheet that lists information on every section your department offered last year.  Review the information, and write necessary changes on the spreadsheet in a brightly colored pen, for every section you wish to offer next year.  Return to Tiffany (undergraduate) or Lee (graduate and doctoral)  Repeat process in Round 2


20  Distribution of Time Schedule to schools – December 23  1 st Round of Time Schedule due to SAS – January 22  2 nd Round of Time Schedule to schools – February 16  Final deadline for Time Schedule – February 26

21  Changes made after the Time Schedule is published require a Time Schedule Change form.  Dean approval is required.


23 Tiffany (x2635  Undergraduate Time Schedule  Summer Time Schedule (all levels)  Catalog Degree Requirements Lee (x2254  Graduate Time Schedule  Doctoral Time Schedule  5000-Level Time Schedule Tiffany or Lee  Room Scheduling  Urgent Time Schedule Changes  General SAS questions

24 CATALOG = Kay  Title  # of credits  Course Description  Restrictions (Initial)  Fees (Initial Set up)  Grading Mode  Repeatability TIME SCHEDULE = Tiffany & Lee  Days & Times  Instructor  Quarter offered  Rooms  Maximum Enrollment  Special Approvals/Restrictions  Canceling Sections

25  Please let SAS know if you would like one-on-one training on Internet Native Banner or Contribute, or if you would like to receive the Contribute tutorials.  Do you know of any upcoming program changes?  Additional questions?

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