The Earth’s land builders.

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Presentation on theme: "The Earth’s land builders."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Earth’s land builders.
Volcanoes The Earth’s land builders.

2 What is a volcano? The land around an opening in Earth’s crust where molten rock exits the earth.

3 Is all lava the same? Pahoehoe Aa Pillow Lava

4 Do all volcanoes erupt violently?
No. All volcanoes are different. Some erupt violently due to trapped gasses. Some flow gently due to a low viscosity.

5 What kinds of volcanoes are there?
Composite Shield Cinder Cone Caldera Lava Plateau

6 Composite Mt Shasta

7 Shield Mauna Loa

8 Cinder Cone Wizard Island

9 Caldera Crater Lake

10 Lava Plateau Columbia Plateau

11 Where are volcanoes found?
Plate Boundaries Hot Spots

12 What is the biggest volcano?
Depends on what biggest means. Diameter Height above sea level Height above base Highest volcano- Ojos del Salado World’s largest- Mauna Loa Solar System- Olympus Mons

13 What comes out of volcanoes?
Lava Pyroclastic material Ash Lapilli Blocks Bombs Gas Water vapor Sulfur dioxide Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide Hydrogen Hydrogen sulfide and others

14 Gases Gases can be released even when a volcano is not erupting
Vents that expel gas from a volcano are called fumaroles.

15 How do volcanoes affect the Earth?
Land formation and mountain building Expelled water adds to our hydrosphere Expelled gases change our atmosphere Expelled gases and particulates can change our weather Eruptions can destroy towns/cities Toxic gases can smother living things

16 Do volcanoes affect our weather/climate?
Yes. Volcanic ash is reflective and can cool the earth locally. This effect may last days to months. Volcanic gases such as sulfur dioxide SO2 convert to sulfuric acid H2SO4 in the atmosphere Sulfuric acid aerosols (tiny droplets) remain in the atmosphere for months to years.

17 Can we predict eruptions?
Somewhat. Scientists monitor volcanoes Seismic activity Sulfur dioxide gas Ground deformation such as swelling or bulges Evacuation plans are in place in high risk areas

18 What other planets/moons have volcanoes?
Mars- Old inactive volcanoes Olympus Mons over 16 miles high Our Moon- Old inactive volcanoes Venus- Some may still be active Io- Moon of Jupiter

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