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Washington, Adams, & Jefferson Leading a New Nation.

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1 Washington, Adams, & Jefferson Leading a New Nation

2 Washington as President Immediately faced an economic problem. – National debt $12 million to European countries – $40 million to American citizens – States governments owed $21 million Alexander Hamilton wanted to establish a National Bank – Pay off all foreign debt, purchase bonds at face value, & pay off all State governments’ debt.

3 Constitutional Issues Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, said the National Bank was unconstitutional Hamilton, Secretary of State, said that the US would never be issued credit or have credibility if debts were not paid. Washington signed the National Bank bill into law, even though this was not provided fro in the Constitution

4 Whiskey Rebellion Hamilton proposed a tax on distilled liquor, mostly to test the Federal government’s ability to tax Backcountry farmers in Pennsylvania sold whiskey to the Easterners at a large profit These farmers surrounded the tax collector’s house & violence broke out Federal government responded with military action & the rebellion was put down

5 America’s First Political Parties Hamilton & Jefferson differed greatly on their views of what America should be. Hamilton (Federalists) sought control by the elite Jefferson (Anti-Federalists) sought control by farmers & common folk Washington loathed political parties & favored isolationism

6 Adams as President During the French Revolution Adams feared the French would invade America – Formed an army to defend against the French – Signed the Alien Act which gave him the power to expel any foreign-born resident who was deemed dangerous – Signed the Sedition Act which made it a crime to speak out against or print material against the President

7 Public Outrage The Alien & Sedition Acts were directed at the Democratic-Republican political party (formerly the Anti-Federalists) As a result, Adams & his Federalists Party became a target for the election of 1800. Adams lost credibility and only served one term as President.

8 Election of 1800: Adams & Jefferson Political parties first surface & dirty campaigning began – Adams would name himself King – Jefferson would burn every Bible in America Jefferson & Burr tied for President – House of Representatives had to choose the winner. It took 38 ballots to determine that Jefferson would become the 3 rd President Caused the need to amend the Constitution

9 Jefferson as President Served 2 terms Was a strict constructionist- meaning he believed in the literal translation of the Constitution. Wanted to acquire Louisiana from France. Sent James Monroe to negotiate with Napoleon a purchase price – Congress had authorized up to $2 million – Jefferson told Monroe to go up to $10 million – Monroe agreed to $15 million

10 Louisiana Purchase Doubled the size of the United States Meriwether Lewis, Jefferson’s private secretary, & William Clark, an army officer, explored the new territory From the spring of 1804 to May of 1806 Mapped the territory, described the flora and fauna Established friendly relations with most Native Americans they encountered

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