Copyright, Plagiarism & Peer-to-Peer Sharing Technology Lesson Grades 9 - 12.

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1 Copyright, Plagiarism & Peer-to-Peer Sharing Technology Lesson Grades 9 - 12

2 Learning Objective Today we will review and apply our understanding of copyright, plagiarism, and file sharing on the internet. CFU: What are we going to do today? What are we going to review and apply today?

3 Activate Prior Knowledge Think, Pair share, Write: Is stealing wrong? Why do people steal? CFU (include connection to LO) We all know that stealing is wrong yet people still do it. Today we’re going to look at the implications of stealing on the internet through copyright, plagiarism and file sharing.

4 Concept Development Copyright is the right to have control over the licensing, use, publishing and/or selling of original works that can be copied. Any work created is automatically copyrighted by the author. Examples: articles, books, pictures, music, essays or other original works. 3 ways to use copyrighted material Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of copyrighted material. File Sharing is the process of sharing (uploading and downloading) files on a computer network. It can be illegal if you do not have the license to the copyrighted file. Creative Commons is a way of licensing copyrighted material for free use to everyone. Examples: Wikipedia, Knol, Filtered Google Image Search, Public Library of Science, CFU-RAJ What is copyright? What is plagiarism? What is file sharing? What is creative commons? How do I know if something is copyrighted?

5 3 ways to use copyrighted material *Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of copyrighted material. *File Sharing is the process of sharing (uploading and downloading) files on a computer network. It can be illegal if you do not have the license to the copyrighted file. *Creative Commons is a way of licensing copyrighted material for free use to everyone. Examples: Wikipedia, Knol, Filtered Google Image Search, Public Library of Science, CFU-RAJ What is copyright? What is plagiarism? What is file sharing? What is creative commons? How do I know if something is copyrighted? Concept Development- Con’d

6 Importance It will prevent you from violating copyright laws which can lead to large fines. Your teachers won’t get mad at you. You’ll get better grades on your assignments. CFU: Does anyone else have any other reason as to why it is important? Which reason is most important to you? Why? You can give me my reason or your reason.

7 Step #1: Read the Scenario and all possible responses. Step #2: Select the way that they are using copyrighted material. Step #3: Explain your reasoning using a complete sentence. Scenario #1 Johnny is looking over Jenny’s shoulder and copying her essay. A) Plagiarism B) Creative Commons C) File Sharing Is this illegal? Justify your answer! Skill Development & Guided Practice CFU (strategic) How do you know? Is this illegal?

8 Step #1: Read the Scenario and all possible responses. Step #2: Select the way that they are using copyrighted material. Step #3: Explain your reasoning using a complete sentence. Scenario #2 Roberto is downloading “OMG” by Usher off of Lime Wire. A) Plagiarism B) Creative Commons C) File Sharing Is this illegal? Justify your answer! Skill Development & Guided Practice CFU (strategic) How do you know? Is this illegal?

9 Step #1: Read the Scenario and all possible responses. Step #2: Select the way that they are using copyrighted material. Step #3: Explain your reasoning using a complete sentence. Scenario #3 Margarita has cited a section of Wikipedia on the rain forest climate. A) Plagiarism B) Creative Commons C) File Sharing Is this illegal? Justify your answer! Skill Development & Guided Practice CFU (strategic) How do you know? Is this illegal?

10 Step #1: Read the Scenario and all possible responses. Step #2: Select the way that they are using copyrighted material. Step #3: Explain your reasoning using a complete sentence. Scenario #4 Lucy found an article on The Scarlet Letter and is turning it in as her own. A) Plagiarism B) Creative Commons C) File Sharing Is this illegal? Justify your answer! Skill Development & Guided Practice CFU (strategic) How do you know? Is this illegal?

11 Closure 1. What is copyright? 2. What are plagiarism, creative commons, and file sharing? 3. How do I know if something is copyrighted?

12 Scenario #5 Santiago is downloading pictures from Filtered Google Image Search to use in his Power Point presentation. A) Plagiarism B) Creative Commons C) File Sharing Is this illegal? Justify your answer! Independent Practice

13 Scenario #6 Emily is uploading a copy of her Justin Bieber CD to her own personal website, emailing the links to her friends. A) Plagiarism B) Creative Commons C) File Sharing Is this illegal? Justify your answer! Independent Practice

14 Scenario #7 Jay loves Twilight and is writing a story about the Vampire Bella for his creative writing class assignment. A) Plagiarism B) Creative Commons C) File Sharing Is this illegal? Justify your answer! Independent Practice

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