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ANCIENT EGYPT By Claire Hennen and Tiva Knutson. Egypt Egypt is in Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT EGYPT By Claire Hennen and Tiva Knutson. Egypt Egypt is in Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANCIENT EGYPT By Claire Hennen and Tiva Knutson

2 Egypt Egypt is in Africa


4 Ra (Rah) Some people believed that Ra sailed on a sun boat into the Duat and fought monsters of the night. Some people even believed that if Ra lost the battle and didn’t return to his rightful place in the sky that the world would end. The sun god

5 Thoth The god of wisdom

6 Bes Twaret Protector of women and children Goddess of child birth

7 Anubis God of the mummification

8 Ammit Osiris God of the underworld Heart devourer

9 Bastet (Bast-ut) Cat goddess and goddess of music, love and joy

10 Horus The sky god Horus is the son of Isis. This stone is made up of protection hieroglyphics, it also has two crocodiles for Horus to stand on to show more power. If you look really close you can see Bes standing on his head to protect his mom.

11 Isis The goddess of magic and motherhood

12 Khufu The god of power

13 Hapy The god of flooding the Nile

14 Nut and Geb The sky and weather goddess (blue) The Earth/ground god (brown)

15 Seth The god of chaos and destruction

16 Culture

17 Social pyramid

18 Offerings The Egyptians believed that if they gave gods valuables like food and gold, the gods would give them things in return like a good years harvest.

19 language The Egyptians spoke a language called Egyptian that is now dead. Now they speak Arabic. Arabic


21 Can you try to write your name

22 Mummies

23 Coffins Coffins were used to protect the dead.

24 Mummification Mummification is a process that ancient Egyptians believed to preserve the body for the afterlife.

25 Egypt Before after

26 Thank youThank you

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