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Irregular past participle ending in en, n, ne. Presented by : Adil Al Bedri.

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Presentation on theme: "Irregular past participle ending in en, n, ne. Presented by : Adil Al Bedri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Irregular past participle ending in en, n, ne

2 Presented by : Adil Al Bedri

3 Break broke broken يكسر Choose chose chosenيختار Do did doneيعمل Draw drewdrawnيرسم Drivedrovedrivenيسوق Eatateeatenيأكل

4 Fly flewflownيطير Forgetforgotforgotten ينسى Give gavegiven يعطي Go wentgone يذهب Growgrewgrown ينمو Knowknewknown يعلم

5 Speak spoke spoken يتكلم Take took taken ياخذ Write wrote written يكتب

6 Irregular with vowel change become became become يصبح Beginbeganbegun يبدا Comecamecome ياتي Digdugdug يحفر Findfoundfound يجد Getgot got يحصل

7 Meetmet met يلتقي Light litlit يشعل Read /ri:d / read/ red /read / red / يقرا Runranrun يركض Shine shoneshone تشرق Singsangsung يغني

8 Irregular with no change Cutcutcut يقطع Hithithit يضرب Hurthurthurt يؤذي Putputput يضع Shutshutshut يغلق

9 Irregular ending in ought Catchcaughtcaught يمسك Fightfoughtfought يقاتل Buy bought bought يشتري Teachtaughttaught يعلم Thinkthoughtthought يفكر

10 Irregular ending in t Buildbulitbuilt يبني Feelfeltfelt يشعر Keepkeptkept يحفظ Learnlearntlearnt يتعلم Leaveleftleft يغادر Loselost lost يخسر

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