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4A Unit 8 In the Old days. Life in old Hong Kong living eating travelingactivities.

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Presentation on theme: "4A Unit 8 In the Old days. Life in old Hong Kong living eating travelingactivities."— Presentation transcript:

1 4A Unit 8 In the Old days

2 Life in old Hong Kong living eating travelingactivities

3 Eating

4 supermarket

5 catching fish

6 vegetables

7 fruit

8 restaurant

9 rice

10 They bought food at village market. Where did people buy food?

11 They buy food at supermarket. Where do people buy food?

12 They grew rice. How did people get their food?

13 Who grew food for us?

14 Farmers grew food for us.

15 What animals helped the farmers in the past?

16 Cows helped the farmers in the past.

17 They grew fruit and vegetables. How did people get their food?

18 They caught fish. How did people get their food?

19 They buy food from supermarket. How do people get their food?

20 Where did people go out for food?

21 People went to roadside food stalls for food.

22 Where do people have their meals? They have meals in the restaurant.

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