> > Presentation to > By > DD MM YYYY This template can be used by anyone, anywhere. Good luck with your pitching! (Yes – you can delete these bits!) Bubble.

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Presentation on theme: "> > Presentation to > By > DD MM YYYY This template can be used by anyone, anywhere. Good luck with your pitching! (Yes – you can delete these bits!) Bubble."— Presentation transcript:

1 > > Presentation to > By > DD MM YYYY This template can be used by anyone, anywhere. Good luck with your pitching! (Yes – you can delete these bits!) Bubble Gum Interactive Indie Game Developer Pitch Deck

2 Market overview Define the market you’re focused on – console games? Which console? Online? Casual? Hardcore? Augmented Reality? Whatever it is, you must define it. Explain what this market is, why it’s interesting and what people in this market are looking for. Remember – while you are familiar with the market, your audience may not be so don’t assume they’ll know of other titles or any details. Make sure you explain things clearly. If they’re familiar with the space you can spend less time on this.

3 Market opportunity Why is this market attractive? Is it growing? How much? Give $$$ figures if you can or % at least. Explain what is driving this market? New technologies? Changing habits? Use graphs or charts if you can.

4 Our game Now you can talk about your game. Summarise it in 3 key points. Show some screenshots or key artwork. Explain the salient points verbally. If you can show a short trailer or some video footage do so – but keep it to 60 seconds or less.

5 Think of it as XXXXX meets YYYY A great tip from the screenwriting field is to describe a film using two well known titles for reference, for example “It’s like Harry Potter meets Transformers – a school for young robots with a dark and growing conflict in the background”. Explain how your game might fit a gap or serve an audience that is clamoring for more fun and enjoyable gaming experiences.

6 Why we’re different By now you should have convinced your audience that the market is attractive, and that your game is good. But how is it really going to compete with the hundreds of other titles out there? What do you do better? Consider all aspects – obviously game play is key, but what about art? Audio? What about the way in which the game is delivered? What about the story? What about pricing? What is it about your team that is so good? What excellent skills do you have?

7 Where we’re going If you’ve got their attention to this point you now need to show them that you have a very clear, well- thought out plan and you know exactly what you need to do to be successful. This can be based on talking to a graph or table showing how you fit into the market space, when you plan to launch, and projected sales you believe your game will make, preferably over the first 3 years.

8 Our experience If you’ve got experience or successful examples of games you’ve already done – show them, and show metrics to prove the point. Name each key member of your team and their background and skills as well as explain what it is they will work on.

9 Current status Tell your audience your status. Ideally it’s not just an idea or some concept art. You should really have a prototype or an alpha or beta version ready to show. If you do have this, you can invite them to play the game after the presentation.

10 What we offer Here’s where you explain your offer. You should know what it is your after. If it’s money, then how much money? How is it going to be spent? What share of the business are you offering in exchange for that investment? If pitching to government funding agencies, how will your business help the local economy? What else can investors give you? Have they got experience in helping new businesses grow? Most investors do and they are often very willing to provide advice and guidance. This slide should be your conversation starter Don’t forget to say thank-you!

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