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Lesson 2.  Don’t be unaware  Believers have different gifts  Physical body: body parts don’t change gifts don’t change  God the Spirit determines.

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1 Lesson 2

2  Don’t be unaware  Believers have different gifts  Physical body: body parts don’t change gifts don’t change  God the Spirit determines the gifts  Gifts are the manifestation of the Spirit  Gifts are received at salvation  Each believer has at least one  All gifts are important, but there is an order appointed by God

3  Present your body as an act of worship  Spiritual gifts are a part of service to the Lord  Renew your mind: study the Word  Knowing one’s spiritual gift is part of knowing God’s will for one’s life  Presenting your body for service, is also part of following God’s will for your life

4  Think with “sound” judgment  Sound – sophroneo – to be self disciplined, to be sane, to think and act discreetly  Don’t think more highly of yourself or your ministry than you ought to think  “Think highly” – huperphroneo – consider something of great importance, to be lifted up with pride. Opposite of humility  A life of service would come from renewing your mind and having sound judgment

5  Gifts differ according to what God has given by grace, not by what believers earn  Believers are to exercise their gifts  Prophecy: according to the proportion of that one’s faith  Proportion: analogia – denoting distribution, the right relation. The gift of prophecy must not be exercised assuming a measure of faith which the individual does not possess. (Zod)

6  Giving with liberality: Haplotes: not having an ulterior motive, it is rather faithful benevolence out of proper motivation.  Leading with diligence: spoude – to speed, urge, hasten, press. Zeal, earnest effort  Show mercy with cheerfulness: hilarotes – gladness. ONLY in Romans 12:8 in NT  One’s ministry is dictated by one’s gifts.  Knowing your spiritual gift limits the area of service to the body where you will be effective.

7  Gifts: charisma – same as in I Cor. 12 and Romans 12  Two categories: Speaking and Serving  Speak the Word – God is glorified  Serve with God’s strength – God is glorified  Your gift is for the good of the body of Christ  Believers are only stewards  Believers can do nothing to earn or merit his or her spiritual gift

8  Don’t be unaware  Use your gifts  Minister in the area of your gifting Why? It is all to glorify Him

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