Sepoy Rebellion. Reading Summary: Mutiny of 1857.

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Presentation on theme: "Sepoy Rebellion. Reading Summary: Mutiny of 1857."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sepoy Rebellion

2 Reading Summary: Mutiny of 1857

3 British Rule of India The LONG Road to Independence s

4 The British Raj Raj- Hindu word for rule or sovereignty British take over after Sepoy Rebellion –Turning point in Indian History –British rule 1858-1947

5 Colonial Government Established a British leader known as the Viceroy Attempted to impose British culture on India Educated a class of Indians in: – “taste, opinions, morals and intellect.”

6 “It is pretty much with colonies as with children; we protect And nourish them in infancy; we direct them in youth, and Leave them to their own guidance in manhood; and the best conduct to be observed is to part with them on a friendly terms” -A British Journalist 1829 British View on Imperialism

7 Two parties formed 1885- Indian National Congress –Also known as Congress Party formed 1906- Muslim League –founded to protect Muslim interests They eventually work together to fight for Independence

8 World War I Until WW I Indians had little interest in nationalism Over 1 million Indians enlisted in British Army –1914-18 They were promised reforms that would lead to independence

9 Rowlatt Act After WWI British ignored promises of independence –Indians began to protest 1919 British passed the Rowlatt act –Allowed British to jail protesters for up to 2-years –Denied of trial by jury

10 Amritsar Massacre (1919) 10,000 Hindus and Muslims peacefully protest Rowlatt Act British commander opened fire without warning. –400 Indians killed, 1,200 injured

11 Sepoy Rebellion 1857 British Rule (Raj) 1857-1947 East India Company 1600-1858 1914-19 World War I Indian National Congress (1885) Muslim League (1906) Mughal Dynasty 1526-1712 Rowlatt Act & Amritsar Massacre Road to Independence

12 Reading From Reform to Independence

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