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Formulations Using North American Native Plants Spring 2009.

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2 Formulations Using North American Native Plants Spring 2009

3 Historical Perspectives F Native American Uses of Plants F Genocide and Loss of Information F Anthropological Information F European Vs. North American Species F Pre-Modern Illnesses Vs. Modern Illnesses

4 Pre-Modern Illnesses First Aid: accidents, injury, animals, insects Infectious disease Gynecology and Obstetrics Pain Negative Spirits (ceremony)

5 Modern Illnesses F Lifestyle Related: – Heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and related problems, arthritis, insomnia F Pollution Related: –Allergies, sinusitis, asthma, immune deficiency, multiple chemical sensitivity F Mental Health: –Fear, anxiety, depression, addiction, anger, grief F Complex Illness: –Cancer, MS, autoimmune

6 Traditional Perspectives F MitakueyeOyasin F Mouse (Analysis) and Eagle (Overview) F Pejuta: Plant Medicine F Wakan Tanka: Creator, source of healing F 16 Aspects of Wakan Tanka: Natural World F Ikce: Common, Natural F Manitu: wild

7 Sources of Information F Elders and Teachers F Dreams, Spirits F Receiver of the Medicine F Direct communication from the plant F Gathering –Offering, collecting, cleaning F Preparing –Food, Tea, Salve, poultice, smoke F Dosing-prescription

8 Prescribing Herbal Medicine F Relationship of the practitioner to the herb F Relationship of the patient to the herb F Ingestion of herb F Painting of an herb F Herb as companion F Herb as mediator with the Wakan

9 Causes of Illness F Separation from the Wakan –Maka Ina (Earth) –Wakan Oyate (Spirits) –Tiospaye (community, family) –Animals and plants –Self F Negative influences (evil spirits) F Pollution and poison (diet)

10 Treatment of Illness F Elimination of negative influences F Reconnection to the Wakan –Ceremony –Storytelling, History, Teachings –Dreams –Community –Songs –Herbal Medicine –Traditional Diet

11 Seven Virtues F Compassion F Fortitude F Generosity F Honesty F Respect F Humility F Wisdom

12 Four Basic Needs F Nurturance F Peace F Connection F Self-Value Four Cornerstones F Nutrition F Exercise F Rest F Attitude, stress reduction, mental health

13 Chinese Herbal Energetics F Temperature F Channel entered F Main functions –Move Qi and blood –Tonify Qi –Reduce heat –Release exterior –Reduce phlegm

14 Devil’s Club Oplopanax horridum F Part used: Root Bark F Diabetes F Fatigue F Strengthens Immune System F Protective F Energetics: warm, enters spleen/stomach, kidney channels, tonifies Qi F Dose: 1-3 gram BID

15 Cedar - Thuja spp. Leaves Purification Topical uses: (oil, salve, tincture) F Arthritic pain F Muscular pain F Wart removal F Antimicrobial F Antifungal Internal uses: Respiratory infection UTI Energetics: cool, reduces heat and pathogen, moves Qi and blood, enters Lu, UB channels

16 Sweet Leaf Monarda Fistulosa F Part used: Flower and leaf F Tubes, Relaxes tension F Digestive F Respiratory F Nervous F Energetics: cool, decreases heat, moves Qi. Enters Spleen/stomach, Lung, Liver channels F Dose: tincture 1-3 ml Q day BID

17 Osha Ligusticum porteri F Part used: root F Bear Medicine F Lung infections F Viral illness F Opens the throat F Wild and independent F Energetics: cool, clears exterior, clears heat, enters Lu, UB channels F Dose: Tincture 2 ml TID

18 Acorus Calamus F Part used: root F Digestive problems F Respiratory and reduces phlegm F Diabetes F For fear and nervousness in conflict F Energetics: Warm, aromatic, reduces phlegm, reduces damp in digestion. Channels entered Sp/St, Lu F Dose: Use as lead herb in formulas 2 ml TID

19 Blackberry Rubus villosus F Blackberry, Raspberry, Thimbleberry, Salmonberry F Root: Diarrhea, Reduces Menstrual Bleeding F Fruit: nutritious, blood cleansing F Energetics: Warm, astringent, preserves fluids, enters LI, Liv, Sp channels F Dose: 5-10 drops every 2 hours of the root for diarrhea

20 Viburnum Prunifolium Black Haw F Anti-spasmodic F Nervousness and anxiety F Threatened miscarriage F Diarrhea and constipation F Heart palpitations F Energetics: Neutral, moves Qi and blood, reduces liver stagnation, enters Liv, LI, SP, Ht channels F Dose 3-5 ml up to TID

21 Huckleberry Vaccinium spp. F Part used: leaves and fruit F Diabetes F Diabetic Retinopathy F Tonifies Blood Vessels F Varicose Veins F Anti-Oxidant F Eye problems F Energetics: Neutral, tonifies SP Qi, Liv blood, enters SP, Liv channels F Dose: Fruit-1/2 cup per day, Leaves (tea) 1 cup TID

22 Sage Artemesia ludoviciana F Part used: leaves F Protective against negative influences F Blood cleanser F Cancer treatment F Bitter for digestion F Clarity and emotional healing F Deep levels of healing F Energetics: Cold, clears heat and purges fire, clears pathogen. Enters Kid, Liv, Sp, St channels F Dose: 1-3 cups infusion daily

23 Chimaphila umbellata F Part used: leaves F Bladder infection F Skin diseases F Prostate irritations F Muscle pains, joint pains, swellings-poultice F Diabetes F Energetics: Cool, clears heat, decreases damp, tonifies Qi, enters Lu, Liv, Kid, UB, SI, Sp channels F Dose: 1 cup TID mild decoction

24 Usnea barbatum Lichen F Infections F Sinusitis, nasal lavage F Colds, Flu F Toe fungus F Athlete’s foot F Ringworm F Energetics: Cold. Clears heat and pathogen, clears damp heat, clears phlegm. Enters Lu, LI, UB channels. F Dose: Neti pot or nasal lavage, light decoction, 1/2 cup BID, Tea 1/2 cup TID, Tincture: 2 ml TID

25 Clematis spp. F Migraine F Headache F Severe Neck Pain F Energetics: warm, enters UB channel, moves Qi and Blood F Dose: 5-10 gtt PRN, maximum 30 gtt Qday

26 Andrographis paniculata F Sinusitis F Bronchitis F Viral Flu F Viral URI F Energetics: cold, bitter, aggressively clears heat and phlegm, dries damp, enters Lu, LI, ST, SI. F Dose: 1 ml Qhour initially, then 1 ml QID for 7-10 days, may take chronically

27 Schisandra chinensis F Depression F Withdrawl from Anti- depressants F Anxiety F Insomnia F Energetics: Warm, sour, moves liver Qi, calms shen, generates body fluids, preserves and tonifies kidney essence, stabalizes, enters Kid, Lu, Ht channels

28 Hypertension F 30 Viburnum prunifolium F 15 Scutellaria lateriflora F 20 Leonurus cardiaca F 12 Verbena hastata F 20 Valeriana sitchensis F 15 Chimaphilla umbellata F 8 Rawolfia serpentina F Dose: 1-3 ml BID

29 Diabetes F 15 Oplopanax horridum F 15 Momordica charantia F 15 Gymnema sylvestre F 15 Trigonella Dose: 1-5 ml BID

30 Hyperthyroid F 40 Lithospermum ruderale F 30 Leonurus cardiaca F 30 Lycopus virginicus F 20 Melissa officinalis Dose 1-5 ml BID

31 Bronchitis F 15 Inula helenium F 15 Eriodictyon californica F 15 Grindelia squarrosa F 15 Mahonia aquafolium 2-5 ml BID

32 UTI F 30 Arctostaphylos uva ursi F 20 Chimaphilla umbellata F 15 Zea mays F 15 Mahonia aquafolium F 10 Hydrastis canadensis F 15 Althea F 15 Salix nigra Dose 2-4 ml QID

33 Sinusitis F 50 Andrographis F 25 Mahonia aquafolium F 25 Taraxacum radix Dose 2 ml Q hour until phlegm has no color, then 2ml QID 7-10 days

34 Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer F 7g Symphytum folium F 7g Althea officinalis F 7g Glycyrrhizza glabra F 7g Ulmus fulva F Dose 28 g per 3-4 cups water, long infusion, 28 g Qday

35 Insomnia F 15 Piper methisticum F 15 Humulus lupulus F 15 Valeriana sitchensis F 15 Monarda fistulosa F Dose 1-5 ml Hs

36 Anxiety F 20 Piper methisticum F 20 Schisandra chinenesis F 10 Monarda fistulosa F 10 Eschscholzia californica F Dose 2 ml TID

37 Topical linament F 15 Usnea barbata F 5 Mahonia aquafolium F 10 Commiphora molmol F 1 ml Capsicum minimum F Use topically on open and closed wounds as an antiseptic

38 Immune Tonic/Fatigue F 30 Panax quinqufolium F 30 Oplopanax horridum F 15 Sambucus nigra fructus F 15 Chimaphilla umbellata F 15 Mahonia aquafolium F 10 Thuja plicata F 5 Glycyrrhizza glabra F Dose 2-3 ml BID

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