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AP English Language and Composition Tuesday, November 4 th, 2014.

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1 AP English Language and Composition Tuesday, November 4 th, 2014

2 New Partners!! Make your partner card Go sit with your new partners!

3 Due Carnegie “Wealth” & Hardin “Lifeboat Ethics” Partner-score annotations Record the score on the text itself AND on the Unit 3 Rubric

4 Small Group Discussion Have a conversation with the people around you Talking points: Which essay did you like better? Why? Discuss the subject of both essays, and then discuss the different thesis statement made by each author. How do the authors construct their arguments? What did you find effective, and what do you not understand? What is the relationship of the individual to the community? *** Collaboratively – make a bullet-point précis pre-write for BOTH essays. Discuss your ideas as you work!

5 Homework Due Wednesday: Carnegie OR Hardin précis (3 parts) Read & annot. Rodriguez “Disunited We Stand” (CA) + D’Souza “In Praise of Empire” Due Thursday: Rodriguez OR D’Souza précis (3 parts) Due Friday: Read & annot. Standing Bear “What the Indian Means to America” (CA) + Alvord “Walking the Path between Worlds” (LC) Type & submit final Rhetorical Analysis essay (original TW with self-score & explanation; typed final essay)

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