By: Michael Hebron.  Disorders Defined  OSHA vs. the Government  Worksite Analyses  Worksite Hazard Prevention and Control  Conduct a Worksite Analyses.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Michael Hebron.  Disorders Defined  OSHA vs. the Government  Worksite Analyses  Worksite Hazard Prevention and Control  Conduct a Worksite Analyses."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Michael Hebron

2  Disorders Defined  OSHA vs. the Government  Worksite Analyses  Worksite Hazard Prevention and Control  Conduct a Worksite Analyses  Ergonomics and Economics

3  Ergonomics, MSD’s, and CTD’s Defined  OSHA vs. the Government With Regards to Workplace Safety  Conduct a Worksite Analyses  Worksite Hazard Prevention and Control  The Best Ways to Conduct a Worksite Analyses  Why Ergonomics Makes Good Cents for Business

4  Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD’s)  Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD’s)  Ergonomics




8  Find the Source of Ergonomic Stresses  Look at Future Planed Worksites  Check On System Changes to Make Sure Ergonomics is Improved With The New Changes

9  Workstation Design  Work Methods  Planed Tools At The Workstation


11  Job Hazards  Workstation Analysis  Periodic Surveys  Feedback and Follow Up

12  Cost Benefits Studies  Why Business Worries About Ergonomics

13  Ergonomics - Analysis of Jobs or Work Tasks. (2011, 03 20). Retrieved from Occupational Safety and Health Administration:  Ergonomics - Analysis Tools. (2011, 03 20). Retrieved 03 20, 2011, from Occupational Safety and Health Administration:  Goetsch, D. L. (2011). Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Pearson.  Musculoskeletal disorders and days away from work in 2007, The Editor's Desk. (2011, 03 20). Retrieved 03 20, 2011, from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

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