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NTU-Earthlink Solar Innovations 2004 : Re.Fuse The Challenge: Design a mechanism that is able to separate waste into different categories (paper,metal,glass.

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Presentation on theme: "NTU-Earthlink Solar Innovations 2004 : Re.Fuse The Challenge: Design a mechanism that is able to separate waste into different categories (paper,metal,glass."— Presentation transcript:

1 NTU-Earthlink Solar Innovations 2004 : Re.Fuse The Challenge: Design a mechanism that is able to separate waste into different categories (paper,metal,glass etc)

2 Overview Ferrous Metal + Non-Ferrous Metal + Plastic + Paper + Other Junk Non- Ferrous Metal + Plastic + Paper + Other Junk Plastic + Paper + Other Junk Other Junk Ferrous metal removed by magnetic attraction Non -Ferrous metal removed by infra-red detection Plastic and paper removed by air currents Plastic Paper Separated by flotation

3 Separation of Ferrous Metals  The rubbish is loaded on a conveyor belt and moved along until it reaches the roller lined with an electromagnet.  As it passes the roller, the electromagnet will attract the metal to it, causing it to be attached to the roller.  The metal then moves up with the roller and is deposited into the collection bin.  The collection slide is positioned very near the roller such that it will just scrape the metal off the roller as the metal approaches it.  The remaining scrap material is carried on the conveyor belt until it drops into the funnel-shaped collection bin. Animation

4 Separation of Non-Ferrous Metals Mechanism to extract non-ferrous metal  Waste is loaded onto a platform full of pistons  Heater heats up waste and metal  Metal gains heat faster as it is a good conductor of heat  Picture is taken by infra-red camera and it is sent to computer which identify the “hotspots”  Pistons surrounding “hotspots” are fired which encloses the non-ferrous metal of a higher temperature  Mechanical arms tilt the platform, resulting in the falling of other waste  The non-ferrous metals remain caged by pistons  Pistons is then retracted and metal pushed by a broom into collection bin  Process is repeated several times Model

5 Separation of Non-Ferrous Metals Mechanism to operate piston  To fire the piston, the valve for that particular piston is opened and the pressure will force the piston to fire out.  To retract the piston, the pressure is lifted and the valve closed when the piston returns to its original position.  The tip of the pistons are coated with heat-resistant thermoform plastic, so that they themselves do not register as a ‘hotspot’

6 Removal of Paper and Plastic from remaining waste  The refuse is transported by conveyor belt into the separation chamber  The fan is operated at high speed so that paper and plastic in the refuse tend to fly up to the height of the trap door  Within a few seconds, the trapdoor is closed. Paper and plastic is then collected  Paper and plastic at the top of the chamber, and remaining refuse at the bottom of the chamber, are pumped out of the chamber by their respective outlets. Animation

7 Separation of plastic and paper  The mixture is dumped into a transparent plastic chamber filled with water.  Plastic materials float as they have a low density  Cloth which is porous, soaks up water, becomes dense, and then sinks.  However, plastic sheets could be trapped within the soaked cloth at the bottom.  Bubbles are blown into the container and it stick to the plastic, allowing it to float to the surface.  On the other hand, no bubbles stick to cloth. Model

8 Separation of plastic and paper  Air pump is switched off.  After the operator observes that cloth has settled at the bottom, the flaps are raised. Plastic and cloth are effectively separated.  Water is then drained so that plastic settles on the separation flaps.  After separation, the upper pipe drains the plastic together with out of the cylinder. Paper is easily removed together with the fine net lining at the base of the cylinder.

9 Benefits & Unique features  Environmentally friendly  Smooth transit from one separation stage to another  Handling of a large volume of refuse at any one time  High degree of automation

10 Application  Separation of recyclable materials  Leftover materials can be sent for incineration. Energy from incineration can contribute to power grid.

11 THE END Team members: Tan Thong Lip Alvin Chan Li Yun Chan Wei Sheng Daniel Fang Kok Boon Yeo Shi Wei Jason Teacher in-charge: Ms Yee See Ling NATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE

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