Third Grade AIG Nomination and Identification 101 OR: Everything you Wanted to Know about how Students are Identified but were Afraid to Ask.

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Presentation on theme: "Third Grade AIG Nomination and Identification 101 OR: Everything you Wanted to Know about how Students are Identified but were Afraid to Ask."— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Grade AIG Nomination and Identification 101 OR: Everything you Wanted to Know about how Students are Identified but were Afraid to Ask

2 The Story Begins… Each year students in grade three are nominated for participation in the AIG Program. We begin the process of nomination and identification of students by collecting data and work samples.

3 A Gifted Child Gifted learners express their talents and abilities in a variety of ways. Like desserts, gifted children come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors!

4 In order to qualify for AIG, students must meet four out of five criteria. At least one must be a qualifying test score.


6 Achievement and Aptitude Student Achievement – documented by scores on a nationally-normed achievement test (ITBS) Student Aptitude – documented by scores on a nationally-normed aptitude test (CogAT)

7 Observation of Student *Documented by use of teacher and parent surveys and checklists Examples: Communication, Humor, Inquiry, Insight, Problem Solving, Memory, Reasoning, Leadership, Imagination, and Creativity

8 Student Performance *Documented by work samples, portfolios, grades, or other authentic assessment strategies Examples: A/B Average, Writing Samples, ClassScapes Data, AIG Work Sample Packet, Inquiry-Based Projects

9 Student Interest & Motivation Interest documented by interview, formal interest surveys, or other evidence of interest Motivation documented by participation in school activities, evidence of desire to pursue learning experiences

10 Testing 1…2…3… Before we start testing children …The Gifted Education Specialist (GES) meets with third grade classroom teachers to discuss potential AIG candidates. High-achieving students who have demonstrated critical thinking skills and characteristics of gifted learners may be selected to participate in short-term, pull-out groups led by the GES.

11 Classroom teachers collect data and work samples from every student in the regular classroom. As students work with the GES, he or she collects additional work samples and observes students, the entire time noting the presence of characteristics and behaviors of gifted learners.

12 In the fall, all third grade students are given the DAP IQ test, and scores are used as one screener for nomination for the AIG Program.

13 The DAP IQ: Third Grade Screening The Draw-A-Person Intellectual Ability Test for Children, Adolescents, and Adults (DAP:IQ) provides a common set of scoring criteria to estimate intellectual ability from a human figure drawing. provides a common set of scoring criteria to estimate intellectual ability from a human figure drawing.

14 Why Screen Third Graders with the DAP IQ? The DAP IQ offers educators the opportunity to “catch” students who may not perform as well on other aptitude tests. The test is universal. Many studies show the results are similar in all the corners of the earth. The way kids draw a person determines at what mental developmental stage they are at.

15 Intellectual: The “Other Part” of AIG In North Carolina we serve gifted learners through the Academically OR Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Program. And, the DAP IQ helps us see intellectually gifted students!

16 The creative ones…. The ones who may be artistic… The ones who might not perform as well on math or reading tests! The ones we don’t want to miss…

17 With that said… The DAP IQ is a screening tool. New Hanover County Schools does not use DAP IQ scores to identify students for the AIG program.

18 After the DAP IQ With scores in hand, teachers can review all the data we’ve collected on each child. Then, we can collaborate with our Teams to differentiate instruction for students BASED on new data!

19 AIG Nominations 1.Teachers, parents, and students may submit AIG Nominations at any time. 2. The AIG Match Team meets to review nominations. 3. The AIG Match Team decides if further testing is needed and/or data must be collected. 4. Parents are notified of all decisions.

20 Testing The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) are given when students nominated for AIG require testing. Not ALL nominees are tested. Testing with CogAT and ITBS is an AIG Match Team decision.

21 After the Tests Once test results are in, the AIG Match Team meets again to review data on every nominee. The decision to identify students for the AIG Program is made when all data is collected and reviewed at the AIG Match Team meeting.

22 Wait and Watch Sometimes students are not identified for AIG. The AIG Match Team will decide if a child needs more time to “blossom.” We will “Wait and Watch” for indication a student needs differentiated curriculum and/or materials.

23 Once Identified… Classroom teachers work with the Gifted Education Specialist to design appropriate instruction and opportunities for gifted learners. This may include participation in an AIG Pull- Out Resource Class. Parents will receive their children’s AIG schedule.

24 Differentiation in the Classroom Teachers provide differentiated materials and instruction for gifted learners in the regular classroom. Gifted students are gifted ALL day, everyday…

25 The Differentiated Education Plan “DEP” The Gifted Education Specialist and the AIG Match Team create the DEP for each identified AIG student. The DEP serves as a contract on how AIG students are served. The DEP also explains how students are identified: Moderate, Significant, or Extensive

26 This level of differentiation is appropriate for students functioning up to one year above grade level. This level of differentiation can usually be accomplished by the classroom teacher, with consultation from the Gifted Education Specialist. At times, a student identified at this level may work in a pull out setting with the Gifted Education Specialist, or the GES will team teach with the regular classroom teacher. Moderate Designation

27 Significant Designation This level of differentiation is appropriate for students functioning 1-2 years above grade level. The Gifted Education Specialist works with students identified at this level through team teaching with the regular classroom teacher, resource pull out classes, and/or content delivery.

28 Extensive Designation This level of differentiation is appropriate for students functioning 3-4 years above grade level. The Gifted Education Specialist works with these students in team teaching, resource pull out classes, and/or content delivery. Based on the individual student’s interests and needs, the GES may also access community resources to meet the child’s needs.

29 Reviewing the DEP The DEP is reviewed annually and at any time during the school year changed may be required. An Annual DEP Meeting is held for parents. The GES introduces the AIG Program and him or herself to families at this meeting. AIG Students are welcome to attend!

30 Finally…. The GES and classroom teachers review AIG and “Wait and Watch” students during the school year. Observation and collection of data is on-going. Changes in determinations may be made at anytime. Parents will be notified and if a student is identified, invited to a DEP Meeting.

31 For more information… Visit your New Hanover County Schools AIG website. WBS AIG Website

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