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Communicating Information: Web Design. It’s a big net HTTP FTP TCP/IP SMTP protocols The Internet The Internet is a network of networks… It connects millions.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating Information: Web Design. It’s a big net HTTP FTP TCP/IP SMTP protocols The Internet The Internet is a network of networks… It connects millions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating Information: Web Design

2 It’s a big net HTTP FTP TCP/IP SMTP protocols The Internet The Internet is a network of networks… It connects millions of computers from around the world and allows them to communicate with each other by sending and receiving data. The data is transmitted from one computer to another using telephone systems and satellites. Different computers need common languages so that they can communicate. These are called protocols.

3 W W W The World Wide Web (WWW) forms part of the Internet.

4 It uses the HTTP protocol (language). The WWW uses browsers to access and search for information. The most popular browsers are Netscape and Internet Explorer. Documents written for the WWW use a programming code called HTML which has commands to control what the pages look like.

5 Web sites A web site is a collection of web pages or files and documents linked together using hyperlinks. A site is uploaded (placed) in a site (location) on the WWW so that it can be viewed by others. It has its own address, which is also known as the URL – Unique Resource Locator – which usually begins with http://www. Typing the URL will take a user straight to the site. Each web site has a home page, which is the first page that anyone visiting the site will see.

6 Clever stuff point to the page you want and be automatically taken there have animations, sound or video in addition to text and graphics request information, press a button and within a few seconds it will arrive. A web page looks like one item but in fact it is made up of many types of information (graphics, text, sound etc.) stored in different files. With a web page you can…

7 Match the objects

8 Bare essentials Decide which of the below are essential when creating an effective web site.

9 Summary The Internet allows millions of computers around the world to communicate with each other. WWW stands for World Wide Web. Each web site has its own URL. Web pages are made up of different types of information stored in different files. There is a criteria for an effective web site. What can I remember?

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