Y tú, ¿Cómo eres? Vocabulario del Capítulo 1B. To talk about what you and others are like artístico artística artistic.

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Presentation on theme: "Y tú, ¿Cómo eres? Vocabulario del Capítulo 1B. To talk about what you and others are like artístico artística artistic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Y tú, ¿Cómo eres? Vocabulario del Capítulo 1B

2 To talk about what you and others are like artístico artística artistic

3 To talk about what you and others are like atrevido atrevida daring

4 To talk about what you and others are like bueno buena good

5 To talk about what you and others are like deportista athletic

6 To talk about what you and others are like desordenado desordenada messy, disorganized

7 To talk about what you and others are like estudioso estudiosa studious

8 To talk about what you and others are like gracioso graciosa silly, funny

9 To talk about what you and others are like impaciente impatient

10 To talk about what you and others are like inteligente smart, intelligent

11 To talk about what you and others are like ordenado ordenada neat, organized

12 To talk about what you and others are like paciente patient

13 To talk about what you and others are like perezoso perezosa lazy

14 To talk about what you and others are like reservado reservada reserved, quiet

15 To talk about what you and others are like serio seria serious

16 To talk about what you and others are like simpático simpática nice, kind

17 To talk about what you and others are like sociable sociable, talkative

18 To talk about what you and others are like talentosotalentosa talented

19 To talk about what you and others are like trabajadortrabajadora hard-working

20 To ask people about themselves or others ¿Cómo eres? What are you like?

21 To ask people about themselves or others ¿Cómo es? What is he/she like?

22 To ask people about themselves or others ¿Cómo se llama? What is his/her name?

23 To ask people about themselves or others ¿Eres…? Are you…?

24 To talk about what someone likes or doesn’t like le gusta… he/she likes…

25 To talk about what someone likes or doesn’t like no le gusta… he/she doesn’t like…

26 To describe someone (yo) soy I am

27 To describe someone no soy I am not

28 To describe someone es he/she is

29 To tell whom you are talking about el amigo the friend (m)

30 To tell whom you are talking about la amiga the friend (f)

31 To tell whom you are talking about el chico the boy

32 To tell whom you are talking about la chica the girl

33 To tell whom you are talking about él he

34 To tell whom you are talking about ella she

35 To tell whom you are talking about yo I

36 Other useful words a veces sometimes

37 Other useful words muy very

38 Other useful words pero but

39 Other useful words según according to

40 Other useful words según mi familia according to my family

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