South Asia. Monsoon Seasonal winds that bring rain in the summer Necessary to water crops Too much= flooding Too little=drought and crop failure.

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Presentation on theme: "South Asia. Monsoon Seasonal winds that bring rain in the summer Necessary to water crops Too much= flooding Too little=drought and crop failure."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Asia

2 Monsoon Seasonal winds that bring rain in the summer Necessary to water crops Too much= flooding Too little=drought and crop failure

3 Hinduism Main religion of India Major beliefs: Many gods Reincarnation Caste system Karma and dharma Goal to reach Moksha

4 Caste System Social class system based on birth Caste determines occupation [job] Caste cannot be changed in this lifetime Based on karma[actions] and dharma [duties]

5 Buddhism Religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path Goal to reach Nirvana

6 Sepoy Mutiny 1857 Rebellion by Indian soldiers [Sepoys] against the British East India Company Started because of rumor that gun cartridges were greased with animal fat Result- British government took direct control of India

7 Gupta Empire Golden Age of India Advances in science, mathematics, art and literature

8 Civil Disobedience Not following laws one thinks are unjust Method used by Mohandas Gandhi to gain independence from Great Britain

9 Salt March Example of civil disobedience Gandhi led march to sea to protest British tax on salt

10 Partition British India was divided into India and Pakistan upon independence Partition was due to religious difference India-Hindu Pakistan [West and East]- Muslim

11 Indian National Congress Created to fight for independence from Great Britain Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru famous leaders Party which lead India upon independence

12 Nonalignment Foreign policy of India under Nehru India would not take sides in the Cold War- no alliance with U.S. or USSR

13 Siddhartha Gautama Hindu Prince who became the Buddha

14 Mohandas Gandhi Nationalists- fought for independence from Great Britain Methods- non violence, passive resistance, civil disobedience

15 Jawaharlal Nehru First Prime Minister of independent India Set up a mixed economy- government owned major industries; private ownership of small businesses Policy of non-alignment

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