United States Joint Forces Command Ground Based Simulation in support of Small Unit Training UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Future Immersive Training Environment (FITE)

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Presentation on theme: "United States Joint Forces Command Ground Based Simulation in support of Small Unit Training UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Future Immersive Training Environment (FITE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Joint Forces Command Ground Based Simulation in support of Small Unit Training UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Future Immersive Training Environment (FITE) Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD)

2 Joint Operational Problem Insufficient enablers to provide an immersive environment with adequate decision-making stimuli for repeatable and rapidly reconfigurable scenarios Lack of an adaptable, integrated home station training capability that can be modified based on Joint Operational Environment (JOE) changes Lack of high-fidelity virtual entities to provide resource-effective, complex “population-based” training environment to observe, orient, decide, act (OODA) under the conditions of sensory overload Military trainers have insufficient enablers to train to close combat tasks in a realistic, fully immersive training environment that creates and reinforces complex (tactical and human dimension) decision making skills 2

3 IW Site Survey Key Findings Lacking a common authoritative source of terrain and weather data Extend Combat Hunter-like skills to joint community Need for greater General Purpose Forces/Special Ops Forces (GPF/SOF) integration Greater demand for Joint Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) products down to company level Substantial, unsustainable reliance on role-players Seek opportunities for greater cultural immersion Opportunities for common Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) /Scenario Management tools Greater fidelity needed for training facility instrumentation Incorporated into Joint Training Environment Requirements Conference process 3

4 Desired Capabilities by FY10 Training capability with integrated, interoperable, immersive elements –Replicates elements of the visual, audio, tactile, olfactory effects and conditions of the battlefield across the full spectrum of operations in order to improve cognitive skills –Provides culturally realistic, reactive, dynamic synthetic entities that allow realistic interaction within JOE (team members, higher headquarters, adjacent units, supporting arms, civilians and Opposing Forces (OPFOR)) –Allows team members to exercise complex kinetic and non-kinetic, tactical and human dimension decision making under stressful conditions –Repeatable and rapidly reconfigurable scenarios and environment to include home station –Real-time, physically accurate representation of effects 4

5 Desired Capabilities by FY10 (cont’d) Trainee Feedback –Instantaneous and in-stride –Responsive to interactions with entities through lethal and non- lethal effects Joint Enabler Integration –Request, control and coordination of supporting arms and ISR within the training scenario –Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR), Joint Close Air Support (JCAS), Joint Unmanned Aerial System (JUAS) Collective After-Action Review –Record and be able to playback each entity’s movements, orientation and communications –Rapid trend analysis capability –User friendly interface –Real time exercise monitoring 5

6 FITE JCTD Spiral 1 Activities FY09 What the Warfighters experience Selected scenarios based on Concept of Operations (CONOP) / Training Procedures In a Virtual Environment Demonstrate a Joint Solution to an individually worn system Head Mounted Display High performance body-worn computer Individual position / weapon tracking system Game engine Multifunction Workstation prototype Assessed and Measured Performance Of the technology Of the ability to improve decision making Of Spiral 1 Desired Capabilities Transition enhanced Technologies / Capabilities: Programs of Record Extended Use Capability Development Centers 6

7 FITE JCTD Spiral 2 Activities, FY10 (Facility-based Mixed Reality) What the Warfighters experience Live training venue Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) Immersive Infantry Trainer (IIT) Integrated virtual entities Enhanced sensory application Demonstrate a Joint Solution to a Facility-based Small Unit training system Facility-based tracking system Improved simulated weapons effects Improved virtual entities Networked with Joint Enablers Assessed and Measured Performance Of the Technology Of the ability to improve decision making Of Desired Capabilities Transition enhanced Technologies / Capabilities: Programs of Record Extended Use Capability Development Centers 7

8 FITE JCTD Spiral 2 Activities, FY10 (Individually Worn Augmented Reality) What the Warfighters experience Location independent Augmented reality entities and effects Demonstrate a Joint Solution to a individually worn augmented reality system See-through Head Mounted Display (HMD) Position tracking through multi-sensor integration Assessed and Measured Performance Of the Technology Of the ability to improve decision making Of Desired Capabilities Transition enhanced Technologies / Capabilities: Programs of Record Extended Use Capability Development Centers 8

9 FITE JCTD Organizational Structure Training CONOP & Trng Procedures Operational Demonstration Architectures Technical Demonstration S/W & H/W Integration Extended Use Follow-on Development Acquisition, Fielding, & Sustainment Operational Manager Jay Reist USJFCOM Technical Manager Clarke Lethin ONR Transition Manager Rick Dunlap PEO STRI Oversight Group DUSD(AS&C); USJFCOM; JIEDDO; USMC;OSD P&R; USN; USSOCOM Training Transformation Senior Advisory Group (T2) SAG Assessments Integrated Management Team User Sponsor: USJFCOM Lead Agency: JIEDDO Operational Manager/Deputy: USJFCOM Technical Manager/Deputy: ONR Transition Manager: PEO STRI Oversight Executive: ODUSD (AS&C) 9 JIEDDO

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