EU STRATEGY FOR THE ADRIATIC AND IONIAN REGION Communication: COM(2014) 357 of 17 June 2014 Action Plan: SWD(2014) 190 of 17 June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "EU STRATEGY FOR THE ADRIATIC AND IONIAN REGION Communication: COM(2014) 357 of 17 June 2014 Action Plan: SWD(2014) 190 of 17 June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU STRATEGY FOR THE ADRIATIC AND IONIAN REGION Communication: COM(2014) 357 of 17 June 2014 Action Plan: SWD(2014) 190 of 17 June 2014

2 Requested by the European Council of Dec 2012, the Adriatic-Ionian macro- regional strategy builds on: Intergovernmental Adriatic Ionian Initiative, which covers 8 countries: AL, BA, GR, HR, IT, ME, RS, SI EU Maritime strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Seas (30 Nov 2012) Evaluation of the added value of macro–regional strategies (June 2013)

3 Consultation of Stakeholders By pillar carried out under the responsibility of participating countries (Sept-Dec 2013) Contributions from: CoR – A-I Interregional Group EESC – Exploratory opinion Large Stakeholders Conference in Athens, 6-7 February 2014 On-line public consultation carried out by the European Commission (Oct '13 – Jan '14)

4 General objective Promote sustainable economic and social prosperity of the Region through growth and jobs creation, by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity. Contribute to the EU integration of the participating Western Balkan candidate and potential candidate countries.

5 Thematic scope of the Strategy Blue Growth – (coordinated by Greece and Montenegro) Connecting the Region – (coordinated by Italy and Serbia) Environmental quality – (coordinated by Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) Sustainable tourism – (coordinated by Croatia and Albania) Cross-cutting aspects 1. Capacity building including communication 2. Research and Innovation and SME development Horizontal principles Climate change mitigation and adaptation; disaster risk management Pillar 1 Pillar 2Pillar 3 Pillar 4

6 1. Blue Growth Driving innovative maritime and marine growth in the Region by promoting sustainable economic growth, jobs and business opportunities in the blue economy Blue technologies Fisheries and aquaculture Maritime and marine governance and services

7 2. Connecting the Region Improving transport and energy connectivity in the Region and with rest of Europe Maritime transport Intermodal connections to the hinterland Energy networks

8 3. Environmental quality Addressing environmental quality through cooperation at the level of the Region The marine environment a) Threats to coastal and marine biodiversity b) Pollution of the sea Transnational terrestrial habitats and biodiversity

9 4. Sustainable tourism Developing the full potential of the Region in terms of innovative, sustainable, responsible and quality tourism Diversified tourism offer (products and services) Sustainable and responsible tourism management (innovation and quality)

10 Implementation Actions and projects identification: Strategy's governance structures (national, regional authorities) Funding: EU funds and programmes (ESIF, IPA, Horizon 2020, Connecting Europe Facility, LIFE, COSME, …; International Financial Institutions (Western Balkans Investment Framework, EIB, EBRD, WB, …; national public funds; private funds. Support to governance and implementation: ETC Adriatic Ionian transnational programme

11 Next steps 6-7 Feb October 2014 November Endorsement by the European Council Launching Conference Stakeholder Conference START implementation 17 June Strategy adopted by European Commission Start exam in the Council July

12 Thank you for your attention! Further information: en.cfm

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