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Norwegian National Society of Cardiovascular Nurses

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1 Norwegian National Society of Cardiovascular Nurses

2 Norwegian National Society of Cardiovascular Nurses Founded in 1993 992 members 11 regional groups Annual Congress Own journal

3 Norwegian National Society of Cardiovascular Nurses - part of a broader picture Norwegian Nurses Association Natonal Society of Cardiovascular Nurses

4 Journal Non-referee based 3 issues per year Editorial board with 5 members Editor is a member of the National board of NSF-LKS

5 Annual Congress Well-attended Congress 3 days Setting standards for cardiac nursing care Pre-meeting with chairs of local groups General assembly for members of the Norwegian National Society of Cardiovascular Nurses

6 Specialization in Cardiovascular Nursing Based on a national survey in 2001 Started in 2003 60 ECTs (1.5 years) In collaboration with University College of Bergen National education

7 National Survey of Herat Failure Clinics 2001 Founded by the NNA Published at Nordic Congress of Cardiology 2003 New survey together with UNITE 2005

8 Main issues 2007-2008 Stop-smoking project Basic CPR – working together with the Norwegian Resuscitatiaon Council National education in Cardiovascular Nursing

9 Strategy plan 2007-2011 Very important tool to reach our goals Budget planning Scholarships

10 The aim of Norwegian National Society of Cardiovascular Nurses Specialist groups make an important contribution to NNF by furthering nursing science and addressing political aspects of healthcare A meeting place for nursing science and its development Enhances professional identity and sense of belonging Contributes to development, application and communication of research- and experience-based knowledge More information on LKS website

11 NSF-LKS objectives Promote interest in clinical research and development for cardiological healthcare Market LKS and nursing science Provide a forum for exchanging ideas and professional development for nurses working with cardiological healthcare Promote collaboration in cardiovascular nursing across national boundaries

12 Why be a member of LKS? Save on participation in our congresses Receive Journal Hjerteposten – published 3 times annually Opportunity to apply for course and travel stipends Opportunity to apply for further education stipends A national and international network of nurses working with heart patients Supporting membership in the Norwegian Cardiological Association

13 Why join a local group? An arena that contributes to increased professional involvement, growth and development Increases interaction among nurses working with heart patients A local meeting place and discussion arena A forum for establishing professional networks and collaboration Fosters sharing knowledge and experience with the aim of helping each other improve

14 LKS wants and active and informative website Our aim is to make relevant and useful informasjon easily available Do you know of anything exciting that has happened or is scheduled to happen? A theme-evening or professional seminar that is being arranged? Professional articles or reports that should be shared?

15 Apply for a stipend! Advertised in Hjerteposten and on our Website Apply using application form, giving a short description of your reasons for applying Application form and awards criteria at: Awarded to members who: –participate in congresses –present own projects / give lectures –seek support for projects / professional development –seek further training at hospitals / healthcare institutions

16 Overview of stipends Member stipends Further education stipends Stipend for the Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing Graudation seminar for higher education of nurses specializing in cardiovascular nursing Diacor stipend AstraZeneca stipend to the ESC Congress (new from 2007)

17 Model Health Issues 2004-2007 Basic CPR Tobacco and consequences for health - Illuminated numerous times during the past year in journals and at congresses - Several local groups have had ”tobacco and the heart” as a theme at their meetings A nurse-based ”stop-smoking” project initiated by NSF- LKS is ongoing

18 NSF-LKS Projects Registering heartfailure clinics throughout Norway Continuing education for cardiovascular nurses European collaboration among heart failure clinics Nurse-led ”stop-smoking” campaign, – or ”hearts up in smoke”?

19 NSF-LKS Internationally 1 representative in CCNAP – Council on Cardivascular Nursing and Allied Profession in European Society of Cardiology (ESC) - Personally chosen leader Tone m. Norekvål from 2006 1 representative in Core Committee of CCNAP - Marit Mørkved Larsen 2 representatives in Nordisk Samarbeidsgruppe for kardiologiske sykepleiere -Tone M. Norekvål -Nina Fålun Leader in NSF-LKS will follow / participate in Nordic and European cooperative organ

20 If we all recruit one more we will be: - double as many.. - double as expressive.. - double as bold.. - double as visible.. - double as effective.. 1+1 = ”quickly more than 2”

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