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Presentation on theme: "PRETERITE VERB ENDINGS (the past tense)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRETERITE VERB ENDINGS (the past tense)

2 -é -amos -aste -asteis -ó -aron
-AR verb endings -amos -aste -asteis -aron

3 -ER and -IR verb endings
-imos -iste -isteis -ió -ieron

4 Sing to the tune of the “Banana Boat Song” by Harry Bellafonte
Hey Mister Tally man, tally me banana Daylight come and I wanna go home Daylight come and me want go home. Chop banana ‘til the morning come. Daylight come and I wanna go home. Day-o, day-ay-ay-o Daylight come… Day-o, day-o A beautiful bunch of ripe banana, Daylight come...

5 “Banana Boat Song” by Harry Bellafonte
Hide the deadly black tarantula, Daylight come... Day-o...etc. Come Mister Tally Man, tally me banana, Come Mister... Daylight come... I pack up all me things and I go to sea, Then all these banana see the last of me. Come Mr. Tallyman…

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