3 rd & 4 th Grade Promotion What parents HAVE to know!!

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1 3 rd & 4 th Grade Promotion What parents HAVE to know!!

2 What every 3 rd Grade student must know and be able to do to be PROMOTED to 4 th Grade ! Pass CRCT Reading with a minimum score of 800* Pass the CRCT Reading ability assessment with a 650 Lexile Read at a minimum level of 560 ATOS Read fluently (120 wpm) Apply Standard English rules to spelling and grammar. Add & Subtract fluently with 2-digit #’s Multiply & Divide fluently 1-12 Solve multiple step word-problems

3 What every 4 th Grade student must know and be able to do to be PROMOTED to 5 th Grade ! Pass CRCT Reading with a minimum score of 800* Pass the CRCT Reading with a 750 Lexile Read at a minimum level of 700 ATOS Read fluently (120 wpm) Apply Standard English rules to spelling and grammar. Consistently apply fluent use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts Consistently demonstrate ability to solve multiple step word-problems

4 Math Third Grade Demonstrate fluency in basic addition and subtraction facts Demonstrate fluency in basic multiplication and division facts Apply knowledge of place value to regroup or “borrow” Demonstrate understanding of place value to 1000 Demonstrate ability to solve one-step and multiple step word problems Fourth Grade In addition to 3 rd Grade requirements, students must also be able to: Demonstrate understanding of whole number and decimal place value from hundredths to millions Demonstrate concept of what a fraction is using models Understanding of benchmark numbers and fractions such as: 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, ¼, ½, ¾,

5 Writing Independently write a complete 3-5 paragraph essay for… – narrative genre – persuasive genre – informative genre Essay must demonstrate proper use of English language by… – Applying proper use of grammar and mechanics – Demonstrate the ability to sustain a topic – Demonstrate clear organizational pattern – Demonstrate appropriate and precise language Each of these areas grow in depth in 4 th grade including – Detailed and effective progression of ideas – Effective transitions and attention to details – Effective introductions and conclusions

6 Reading AR is Accelerated Reader – Leveled books – Based on their interests – Comprehension Questions Used as a grade for 4 th and 5 th grade Necessary to improve – Vocabulary – Comprehension – Fluency

7 Home Connect https://hosted55.renlearn.com/48646/Ho meConnect/Login.aspx https://hosted55.renlearn.com/48646/Ho meConnect/Login.aspx Login = last name, first initial, middle initial, month and date of birth – Example (doejj0609) Password = 0+student number – Example (012345) All students should have label with this information. Located in front of agenda. A link is also located on the school webpage

8 ATOS An ATOS level on a book indicates how difficult the text is to read. ATOS is measured on 4 components – Average sentence length – Average word length – Vocabulary grade level – Number of words in the book. Where do they get their ATOS score??



11 ATOS Benchmark Scores Beginning of the Year 1 st –9 weeks 2 nd – 9 weeks 3 rd – 9 weeks End of the Year 1 st Grade 5090140170200 2 nd Grade 200240300350380 3 rd Grade 380440490530560 4 th Grade 560600670685700 5 th Grade 700750800830860 These are minimum scores needed throughout each year as evidence of on grade level achievement.

12 How does all this relate to the CRCT? If your student is not reading at the correct ATOS level, they are not going to be able to handle grade level vocabulary and testing vocabulary. For the CRCT this year, students will have to answer more questions correctly than in the past. In addition, they are going to have to answer harder questions at higher ability levels.

13 New Requirements Meet the Standard (On Track) 800 Exceed the Standard (Commendable) 850 Would Be the same as …. Last Year % CorrectWould be the Same as…. Last year % Correct 3 rd Grade Reading82867.5%87792.5% ELA82670%87494% Math*81465%92797% 4 th Grade Read83075%87595% ELA82574%87094% Math*81265%89595% 5 th Grade Reading82570%86492.5% ELA82672%86694% Math*81360%89593%

14 Summary If your student is not reading at the correct ATOS level, they are not going to be able to handle grade level vocabulary and test vocabulary. If your student is not meeting the minimum expectations for the grade level, they are being considered for retention.

15 Questions

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