Los Angeles Unified School District Language Acquisition Branch Oscar Lafarga (213) 625-5582.

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Presentation on theme: "Los Angeles Unified School District Language Acquisition Branch Oscar Lafarga (213) 625-5582."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Angeles Unified School District Language Acquisition Branch Oscar Lafarga (213) 625-5582

2 Enrollment by Language Classification 2000 -2001 Total = 720,080

3 Enrollment by Language Classification 2000 -2001 English-Only: 33% 235,942 students

4 Enrollment by Language Classification 2000 -2001 Reclassified Fluent English Proficient: 17% 119,169 students

5 Enrollment by Language Classification 2000 -2001 Initial Fluent English Proficient: 8% 57,375 students

6 Enrollment by Language Classfication 2000 -2001 English Learners: 42% 307,594 students

7 Structured English Immersion Contingency plan developed in months prior to the election

8 Structured English Immersion Contingency plan developed in months prior to the election No state guidelines or definitions

9 Structured English Immersion Contingency plan developed in months prior to the election No state guidelines or definitions Planners worked hastily

10 Structured English Immersion Contingency plan developed in months prior to the election No state guidelines or definitions Planners worked hastily Parents with different points of view

11 Two Versions : Model A and B Instruction primarily in English

12 Two Versions: Model A and B Instruction primarily in English Primary language support provided by:

13 Two Versions: Model A and B Instruction primarily in English Primary language support provided by: -a bilingual teacher (Model B)

14 Two Versions: Model A and B Instruction primarily in English Primary language support provided by: -a bilingual teacher (Model B) -a paraeducator (Model A)

15 Two Versions: Model A and B Instruction primarily in English Primary language support provided by: -a bilingual teacher (Model B) -a oaraeducator (Model A) Implementation began in July 1998

16 Options for Parents Structured English Immersion Model A

17 Options for Parents Structured English Immersion Model A Structured English Immersion Model B

18 Options for Parents Structured English Immersion Model A Structured English Immersion Model B Parental Exception Waiver for a Bilingual Program

19 Options for Parents Structured English Immersion Model A Structured English Immersion Model B Parental Exemption Waiver for a Bilingual Program Mainstream Program

20 Instructional Programs Structured English Immersion Model A=38% Model B=50% Total=88%

21 Instructional Programs Structured English Immersion: Model A=38% Model B=50% Total=88% Basic Bilingual or Dual Language Programs: Total = 10-11%

22 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B Two Years of Data

23 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B Two Years of Data Program Evaluation and Research Branch

24 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B Two Years of Data Program Evaluation and Research Branch Evaluation of the Structured English Immersion Program

25 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B Two Years of Data Program Evaluation and Research Branch Evaluation of the Structured English Immersion Program Master Plan Evaluation Report for English Learners

26 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B General Findings:

27 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B General Findings: Many Model A and B students are mixed together in classes and receive the same instructional treatment

28 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B General Findings: Many Model A and B students are mixed together in classes and receive the same instructional treatment Many English learners are mixed with English-only and fluent-English-proficient students in classes

29 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B General Findings: Many Model A and B students are mixed together in classes and receive the same instructional treatment Many English learners are mixed with English- only and fluent-English-proficient students in classes SAT 9 scores show no educational significance in the differences between adjusted gains

30 Evaluation of SEI Models A & B General Findings (cont’d): English learners made similar gains in English language development

31 Recommendation

32 To clarify the Structured English Immersion Program, the Division of Educational Services recommends that the two models be merged to create one program.

33 Parent Options 2002 -2003

34 Structured English Immersion Program

35 Parent Options 2002 -2003 Structured English Immersion Program Alternative Program: 1.Basic Bilingual 2.Dual Language or Mainstream Program

36 Structured English Immersion

37 Structured English Immersion is designed to develop reasonable English fluency as rapidly and effectively as possible

38 Structured English Immersion Structured English Immersion is designed to develop reasonable English fluency as rapidly and effectively as possible The approach emphasizes learning English first for the purpose of learning grade-level content standards in English

39 Structured English Immersion Structured English Immersion is designed to develop reasonable English fluency as rapidly and effectively as possible The approach emphasizes learning English first for the purpose of learning grade-level content standards in English From the beginning, specially designed academic instruction in English is used to teach core concepts and skills in increasing levels of difficulty

40 Two Essential Components

41 1.English language development (ELD): the component that provides language acquisition opportunities for English learners to learn the academic English necessary to access grade-level content standards.

42 Two Essential Components 1.English language development (ELD): the component that provides language acquisition opportunities for English learners to learn the academic English necessary to access grade- level content standards. 2.Access to the core curriculum: the component that provides special teaching methods and accommodations to assist English learners to meet the content standards in language arts, math, science,and social studies.

43 Special Methods and Accommodations 1.Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE)

44 Special Methods and Accommodations 1.Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) 2.Primary language instructional support

45 Special Methods and Accommodations 1.Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) 2.Primary language support 3.Additional content-based ELD

46 Special Methods and Accommodations 1.Specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) 2.Primary language instructional support 3.Additional content-based ELD 4.Additional explicit instruction in learning strategies

47 Teacher Qualifications for SEI ELD Levels 1-3 1.BCC/BCLAD or LDS/CLAD/SB1969 with A-Level or LDS/CLAD/SB1969 with bilingual paraeducator

48 Teacher Qualifications for SEI ELD Levels 1-3 1.BCC/BCLAD or LDS/CLAD/SB1969 with A-Level or LDS/CLAD/SB1969 with bilingual paraeducator 2.Teacher-in-Training (including A-level) with bilingual paraeducator

49 Teacher Qualifications for SEI ELD Level 4 1. LDS/CLAD/SB1969 with bilingual paraeducator

50 Teacher Qualifications for SEI ELD Level 4 1. LDS/CLAD/SB1969 with bilingual paraeducator 2.Teacher-in-Training with bilingual paraeducator

51 Teacher Qualifications for SEI ELD Level 4 1. LDS/CLAD/SB1969 with bilingual paraeducator 2.Teacher-in-Training with bilingual paraeducator Note:BCC/BCLAD teachers may be assigned to teach ELD level 4 when all classes with ELD levels 1-3 have been staffed appropriately.

52 Sequential Programs

53 Sequential rely primarily upon English for core academic instruction

54 Sequential Programs Sequential programs rely primarily upon English for core academic instruction Initial language barriers may cause academic deficits in English language arts, math, science, or social studies

55 Catch-Up Plan

56 When English learners are not able to develop enough English proficiency initially to keep up with their English-only or fluent-English-proficient peers in the core subjects, they must receive additional and extended services to assist them to catch up in English and in the core subjects.

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