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Developing English Teacher Competencies: A Ministry of Education Initiative Rosa María Cely H. Barranquilla, November 10 - 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing English Teacher Competencies: A Ministry of Education Initiative Rosa María Cely H. Barranquilla, November 10 - 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing English Teacher Competencies: A Ministry of Education Initiative Rosa María Cely H. Barranquilla, November 10 - 2009

2 Agenda 1.Language Policies 2.Classroom Realities 3.Impact of English policies 4.Teachers’ Attributes 5.Professional Standards 6.Challenges 7.Final Remarks

3 Language Policies Ministry of Culture Protection of 68 languages (65 Indigenous, 2 Creole,1 Romani),

4 advanced initial actions Bogotá Bilingüe Neiva speaks English Huila habla Inglés MedellÍn City Quindío Bilingüe Some Regional Programmes… Montería Bilingüe Yumbo Bilingüe Duitama “Dialogando con el mundo” Barranquilla Bilingüe

5 Basic Education 11th Grade Students: Intermediate level (B1) English Teachers: High Intermediate (B2) Higher Education Future English Teachers: High Intermediate (B2-C1) Other university students: Intermediate level (B2 +) Language Institutes Language Programmes accredited Specific Goals by 2019

6 Misinterpretation of language policies Communication channels in need of improvement Lack of understanding about Bilingual Education and Bilingualism in the Colombian context Isolated teachers working in difficult conditions Lack of primary school English teachers Lack of English language environment in the schools/classrooms Modest pupils/teachers language competences improvement Realities (1) Progress made by geographical regions differ considerably ELT & learning still marginalised, especially so in the rural areas Still mismatch between the stated National Standards and their incorporation in the classroom Learning for the examination/Teaching to the test phenomenon Gap between theory and practice Some political decisions at regional level affect the projects Primary and Secondary

7 Lack of full time English teachers Traditional teaching methodologies Lack of solid language policies within universities Teachers’ and last year language programme students’ low English levels Lack of CPD opportunities for university English teachers Lack of coherence and cohesion within Licenciatura curricula Language departments selling courses to the public; meanwhile internal language programmes undernourished Realities (2) Teaching Practice underestimated Licenciatura programmes working in isolation Research not contributing directly to programme improvement Scarce resources to teach languages Lack of international agreements for teachers/students exchange programmes Language policies for other university students in need of attention Higher Education (Licenciatura Programmes)

8 English Language Policies Impact (1) 1.Policy makers Understanding of the field Understanding of real context and diversity Communication with the ELT community Criteria for investing budget 2. Schools Review of institutional projects (PEI) School administrators’ empowerment Parents involvement Other subject area teachers English teachers School curriculum

9 Impact (2) 3. Universities & other higher education institutions Programme administrators Review of foreign language policies Language teaching programmes Academics and researchers (papers, articles, projects) 4. Mass Media Newspapers & Magazines Radio & TV Internet

10 Impact (3) 5. Children Exposure to English Higher levels of motivation Better resources for learning Active classes Communication in English takes place 6. Other Actors Language institutes Private bilingual schools Regional and national ELT associations Publishing houses The private sector (commerce, tourism, etc.)

11 Teachers’ attributes (1) Reflexive and critical of the context Facilitator, educator Creative and resourceful Competent in English at high levels... competencies, skills, knowledge… Pedagogically integrates MTIC in class Innovator In continuous professional development Positive and proactive attitude Works with teachers of other areas Belongs to academic networks

12 Teachers’ attributes (2) Handles errors positively Learns from other subject areas Puts students at the centre of the process Provides a variety of activities for students... competencies, skills, knowledge… Good example of autonomous learning Inspires and motivates Recognises and caters for different individual styles and strategies Touches students’ hearts Learns along with students Patient, sensible and warm hearted

13 Professional Standards for English Teachers (1) Professional Attributes Relationships with children and young people Frameworks (law, LEAs, etc.) Communicating and working with others Personal professional development Professional Knowledge and Understanding Teaching and learning Assessment and monitoring Subjects and curriculum Achievement

14 Professional Standards for English Teachers (2) Professional Skills Planning Teaching Assessing, monitoring and giving feedback Reviewing teaching and learning Learning environment Team working and collaboration

15 Expansion of the Project in the regions Implementation of the National Standards for English Working closer with LEAs to assure quality of education Build strong networking processes to widen the scope and reach of the project Consolidation of policies for Initial and In-service Teacher Development Programmes Guidelines for bilingual education development and implementation in state schools Documentation and communication of policies to provide for a better implementation Challenges… Continuous academic support to state school teachers Support to ELT regional associations of teachers Offer CPD programmes, based on needs analysis and context How to solve the teacher supply problem at primary level? How to fulfil teacher training demands? How to prepare future language teachers competent to face the country’s demands? How to go beyond good intentions at all levels? The teachers!

16 Moving forward… Transition period

17 CONCLUSIONES Si el país quiere ofrecer educación de mejor calidad debe hacer inversiones y esfuerzos sostenidos para apoyar a los docentes desde su formación inicial hasta su desarrollo permanente a lo largo de la vida. Sólo si la labor del Maestro se ubica como una prioridad central nos podremos acercar a las demandas del mundo moderno.

18 ::: References 1.Council of Europe. (2001). Common European Framework of References for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Cambridge University Press. 2.GRADDOL, David. (2006). English Next. British Council. 3.Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2006). Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés. Imprenta Nacional. 4.Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2009). Portafolio Maestrro.

19 5. Ministerio de Educación Nacional – Universidad de Los Andes. (2006). Estudio investigativo sobre el estado actual de la Educación Bilingüe Inglés-Español en Colombia. Estudio sin publicar. 6.SAN MARTÍN, Ricardo. (1999). Research on the Good Language Teacher. EPOS. 7.Organización Estados Iberoamericanos. (2008). Metas Educativas 2021. 8.Research Project, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research English Edition (Jacet SIG July 2009), Developing English Teacher Competencies.


21 The National Bilingual Programme has offered…...teachers the opportunity to see the teaching profession at the centre of the discussion …Colombian children the possibility to develop a basic skill for life

22 THANKS Rosa María Cely H.

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