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All members should be seated in the middle section of the auditorium. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NOVEMBER 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "All members should be seated in the middle section of the auditorium. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NOVEMBER 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 All members should be seated in the middle section of the auditorium. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NOVEMBER 18, 2014

2 DON’T FORGET: Sign up for Remind 101 if you have not already. If you are not getting emails please let one of the officers know. Not everyone is signed up for Remind101 yet, and you all need to be! At this point in the year, not being signed up will NOT be an excuse for not knowing what to do!

3 TODAY’S MEETING WILL COVER : Tutoring and Service Hours Form Tutoring Database Turkey Drive Officer Service Projects Questions Elections for Secretary

4 ONLINE TUTORING AND SERVICE HOURS FORM To submit your hours or to enter what you can tutor in go to the NHS Website. Then click on the Welcome link on the right side of the page. You will find your forms there. **MUST have 4 tutoring hours (We need to know who can tutor in what subjects.)

5 SUBMISSION OF SERVICE & TUTORING HOURS The supervisor of your community service, volunteering, etc. must sign documentation for you WHEN YOU COMPLETE the service. This can be a letterhead from the organization, for example. Due dates for Service hours and Tutoring hours are listed on the website. Must tutor White Station High School students at WSHS under supervision of a WSHS teacher/counselor. Teacher must be in room during entire time of tutoring. Cannot tutor during school hours unless you are a TA or in study hall during the time you tutor. Must put exact hours of tutoring not you “tutored about an hour over the past 3 days.” Cannot tutor at your house. No DOUBLE hours. If another club requires service hours or participation in an activity, you may NOT count those hours for NHS. Such submissions will be rejected and may result in probation.

6 TUTORING DATABASE You have been given almost the whole semester to fill out the online tutoring database, which is required. Multiple Remind101 texts have been sent: Hi, NHS! Tutoring info will be closed by the next meeting: 11/18/2014. Don't forget to sign up (REQUIRED)! Go to: NHS-Tutoring-Info NHS-Tutoring-Info If you are not signed up by today, then you will be considered lacking a requirement to maintain WSHS NHS membership.

7 SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Pay attention to submission deadlines and requirements which are listed in your memo and on the website! Use our website as a resource to find service opportunities! Don’t hesitate to contact your sponsors, if you have any questions. Email us at!

8 OFFICER SERVICE PROJECTS MUST complete 10 service hours Bria – Starry Nights (1 st Semester) Big Brothers Big Sisters (2 nd Semester) Jacob – More than a Meal (year round) Ciquoiah – Le Bonheur Game Day (year round) *Note: Game days are every Thursday. Group size must be 8-10 people. You must supply the games for the children. Jamie – Swim Team Timers- 18 are needed (1 st Semester) Help for Hope 5k (2 nd Semester) Vienetta – Special Olympics Bowling

9 TURKEY DRIVE Now – THIS FRIDAY! $15, 10 canned goods, OR 2 hours of service You MUST have database filled out and confirmation page printed (with your name on it)!!! Officers will be taking up donations in the cafeteria during all lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays Advisors will NOT take money/cans after 2:45PM any of the days this week.

10 QUESTIONS? GO TO HTTP://WWW.SCHOOLRACK.COM/WSHSNHS TO FIND OUT: HTTP://WWW.SCHOOLRACK.COM/WSHSNHS Important information and announcements Online Forms Updates Service Opportunities Contact information, etc. Meeting dates Or email us at: Please Note: The semester review of the WSHS NHS chapter begins this week. Students will missing membership requirements will have to appeal to the Honor Council.

11 SECRETARY ELECTIONS Candidates: Kelsey Bowen Kerrianne Lorigan You will only be given ONE opportunity to vote. Please be sure of your answers before you hit SUBMIT. Students who submit MULTIPLE entries will have BOTH votes discarded. This site will remain live for today only. After 7:00am, November 19 h 2014, no further votes will be accepted.

12 DON’T FORGET: If you are not getting emails please let one of the officers know. PLEASE TAKE ALL OF YOUR BELONGINGS WITH YOU!

13 SIGN IN A-G: Left of Stage H-P: Center of Stage Q-Z: Right of Stage

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